Roses are red.

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Time recap for you hoes. It's kinda been all jumbled up and the last official time check was the VMAs which was August and we have had a few months skipped so right now it's in the middle of November. Just in case of y'all were confused. And also Darcy is 16 I may have said something different but yeah 16 is this real age.

After what happened on Saturday I haven't spoken to Harvey about it yet, it's been a day and we have not spoken to each other so I'm kinda dreading today as we have to preform our song. I grab a black and white striped crop top with a high waisted skirt that was black and went down to just above my ankles. I picked out some nice black flats and walked into the bathroom. I got changed and did my normal makeup and hair routine this time without the SnapBack. I grab my glasses and my phone and walk downstairs.

"Morning Darc hungry?" Brendon says scrambling some eggs I shake my head and walk over to the couch. I sat there for a while hoping a praying that Harvey was still gonna pick me up after what happened, he is my usual ride to anywhere as Brendon can't take me in case anyone see him I have to get another ride and Harvey suggested his mum which she was totally fine with.

I sat twiddling my thumbs and I heard a car horn. I sighed with relief, I grabbed my bags shouted goodbye to the two in the kitchen and walked outside to the car. I hop in the back and smile and Harvey's mum in the mirror "morning Darcy, I do say you are looking lovely this morning the skirts a nice touch." I thank her and proceed to drive to school. We both get out and wave to Mrs. Clover. We walk into school and head to our usual place. It was earlier then we normally get here so Alex and kira went there. We sat there and after about two seconds Harvey bursts out with "ok this is awkward but it shouldn't be." He finishes for a second, holds my hands and looks me in the eyes. "Darcy if it's ok with you I want to be with you. So will you make it official and be my girlfriend?"

I struggled for words. All I could do was hug him. "I'm sorry I ignored you I was just trying to find the right words to tell you about this". He says as we still don't pull away from the hug. He kisses me on the cheek and we pull away. And then that's way Alex and kira say at almost the exact same time. "CALLED IT" and they both high fived each other. I went red in the face and Harvey rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I jump up from the seat almost immediately "oh I just remembered I need to speak to my form teacher about moving forms some douche keeps trying to hit on me and it's creeping me out." I say waving to everyone. "Oh and Darc." I stop in my tracks and turn to kira. "Loving the outfit." She winks and laughs as I walk away.

The from situation was sorted and now it turns out I'm in the same form as Alex, and it's my music teachers form, win win. I was greeted by the form and had to introduce myself which was pretty awkward, but for the rest of form me and Alex just sat on the desk talking about stuff. The bell rang and luckily I had music first is I just sat in my seat by Alex and we waited for everyone to arrive.

Everyone sat down in their seats and Miss asked who wanted to go first, and suprisingly Alex's hand shot up first. He sang and played 'Toxic by Britney spears' I never knew how good that song sounded on the violin till Alex played it for us today, it honestly brought a tear to my eye how good Alex was, he is a pure talent. He finished and everyone clapped, me and Harvey stood up cheering and shouting his name. We went next to get it over and done with, we decided to play 'still into you by Paramore' we have only sang this once together but we've played it many times.

As I strummed the first chord I felt the nerves catching up to me but by the time they got worse the song had finished and everyone was standing up cheering, even my teacher enjoyed it. I went red at the cheeks and walked back to my seat. We carried on clapping for each and every talented person in this classroom, I've never hated anyone in this class so I feel close in a way to them all even if we have only spoken once or twice so I honestly think that they are going to go far with the talent that they hold. I'm lucky to already be in a band because this is the start of my music career. As it got to the end of the lesson the teacher read out each and every grade for each group.

Ours were the a few of the last ones to be read out and honestly I good more nervous every time another name was read out. I don't know what I was nervous for as me and Harvey got the top grade of the class. And Alex was the second highest top grader. We all cheered in unison and the bell finally rang signalling break. That means we can kira the good news, we all walk to our usual spot in the canteen and have a natter about first and second period, kira got an a on her first maths paper of the year and we got an a* in music. Today was a good day.

We finally made it to the end of the school day again and me and Harvey decided to walk home. We held hands the whole way and we non stopped talked about music on how nervous we were and what it felt like from each other's point of views. It was nice to talk to just him for a while. I finally reach home and wave to him goodbye. I enter the door took my shoes off and place my bag down. I walk over to the living room to notice my manager, Brian, Matthew, John and Brendon all sitting on the couch staring at me.

So we have a new relationship blossoming, good grades, and oh. What the hell is going on here. Why is everyone in your living room?

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