I wouldnt want it any other way..

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"All packed?" Micheal says rubbing my head, messing up my hair. I flatten it before nodding my head.

I drag my suitcase into the airport and I'm so prepared for this long flight, I need more sleep. Brendon took my case off me and I slumped down on a couch opposite Micheal and cal. I smiled at the perfect couple as the proceeded to talk.

I kinda eavesdropped a little, "So are you busy this week." Micheal says playing with her hair. "Not really my family trip to Alaska was cancelled as my dad broke his leg." She says looking down kinda sad.

I look down at my phone pausing my music but trying to make it seem like I'm still listening to it. "Well I have a a extra ticket for a trip to Paris and I have no one else to go with." Micheal say with the biggest grin on his face. Cal squealed so loudly and they sealed the talk with a kiss, I laughed to myself.

I signalled the love birds that it's was time to leave, we weaved through all the people so we could make it to our plane. I put my bag up in the compartment, putting my sketchbook, phone and headphones on my seat. I put my headphones in and just sat and sketched for a while.

I did a couple of drawings and I began to slowly drift asleep. I was awoken by a flight attendant, we had landed.

We made it home, I dropped my stuff and ran up to my room. I grabbed another suitcase and packed it full of warm clothes, and also a couple of presents I brought for people to give on Christmas. I was so excited to stay with Harvey and his family for a week.

Since there were so many rooms me, Brendon, Sarah, Dallon are staying over with Harvey, his mum and dad and his older brother.

It was Monday, the start of the trip, 1 day till Christmas.

"It's amazing here Darc, Micheal is such a lovely guy, he's treated me to so much, I feel so guilty for taken it all off him. But i guess it's because he loves me. I never want to let go of him he's so special to me." I video called cal talking to her about her first day in Paris.

We were all sitting in the car making our way down to Harvey's cabin. "Ok I've got to go now me and Micheal are going bed its late night Darcy!" She says waving at the camera. I shut my phone off and try to get some sleep.

I was awoken by a slight shake on my arm. Dallon waved and laughed as I opened my eyes. "We're here sleepy head. I hit him in the arm before stretching out and admiring the view.

The cabin was beautiful and the snowy scenery was just amazing. I stared at it for a while before I saw Harvey from down the steps. I quickly opened the door and ran up to him. We interlocked into a hug and everyone around was in awe. I blushed as he spun me around while everyone watched. But he didn't care who was watching.

"Omg Darcy I've missed you so much how was your you have to tell em everything." I kiss him to shut him up. "Later I haven't even unpacked yet." I say as he leads me to my room. I walked into a room with two single beds, one was mine, one was Harvey's I threw my suitcase on one of them and started to unpack.

I threw my clothes on hangers and put them in the wardrobe, jeans I folded and out in a set of drawers, and luckily the room had a dressing table so I out my makeup in there. I kick my suitcase under my bed, make sure my hair and makeup are ok and make my way downstairs.

We all decided to go out for lunch, we were walking downtown, me and Harvey were holding hands as we are goals when I got s call. "Kira?! Omg how's Germany?" Kira was on a family trip in Germany we hadn't spoken since before tour so it was nice to catch up.

We made it to the restaurant and I said my goodbyes to kira. We all sat down in a big booth and checked out the menus, I ordered a chicken salad cause health. Yay.

Honestly though the meal was delicious, we talked about the week ahead and what our plans our. "Speaking of plans, I was hoping we could all agree to go bowling tonight?" Harvey's mum suggested. We all cheered at the idea.

As we made our way down to the bowling centre, we were trying to decide teams, "I think it should be family v family" Brendon said in reply to Harvey. "Hey that's a good idea we will thrash you" Harvey says chucking. Right teams done then.

We trade in our shoes and we go up to our alley. We type in our stupid nicknames and I'm the first to bowl. "Haha strike on the first go beat that losers." I held an l up tot Harvey's family and laughed.

Harvey was next, he grabbed a ball and winked at me. His family cheered him on.

He knocked down 9 in his first try and non in the second. I laughed he crossed his arms.

After the game we had won by 24 points. We went to go play some arcade games.

Of course i beat brendon on air hockey, i took it easy on him but he tries to twist it. Hes just a sore loser. I punch his arm and walk over to harvey.

"Having fun?" Harvey says kissing my check. "Its cheesy but im happy whenever im with you" i rest my head on his shoulder.

We grab our stuff and leave. We had a karaoke session in the car, singing to all the songs on my playlist. It started to get colder and colder.

We walked into the house and Harvey's mum immediately put the fire on. We all sat around it having a nice chat, we talked about tour and the plans we had for the week it was nice.

All the chairs were taken so me and Harvey sat on the floor, I grabbed a blanket and put it over myself as I leaned more up against the wall. Harvey grabbed the blanket off me and pulled me closer to him. He then put the blanket over us both.

I snuggled up to him and put my head on his chest. Brendon squinted at us with a serious look but then smiled. "I ship it" Dallon says in the silence. Everyone laughed and my cheeks went bright red.

Dallon being the dick he is decided to capture this, I stood up  and ran up to him trying to get his phone off him, "Dallon delete it now!" I say as he moves his hands around in the air.

I couldn't reach and just gave up, I sighed and went to cuddle back up with Harvey.

Alright,alright,alright so the trips started hows the week gonna go?

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