Gotta start somewhere.

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Having the life of a famous musicians isn't all its made out to be. But we shouldn't skip to far ahead now should we.


The car slid up the driveway with ease as i released the gas and turned off the ignition. I hopped out my car after a long, exhausting day in the recording studio with the boys. I knew that it was coming up to almost 3 years since we release something new and the fans were getting eager, but my motivation slipped more and more each day. Its not that i don't enjoy what i do, its just nothing has me pumped and ready to get a new album sorted.
I cracked open the front door and locked it behind me as i knew me and Sarah would just stay in for the night. I rubbed my eyes and sloppily approached the kitchen were i could smell something good. My senses tingled as i got closer and alot more excited for food then i should have been, but its food and i need to refuel right about now.

"A letter came today, it says its confidential." She slid me an envelope with bold red writing "CONFIDENTIAL" literaly plastered over the rest of the paper sleeve. I rip it open with excitement in my movements as i knew that the VMAs were coming up as this could possibly be my nomination letter that i didn't deserve, but some how got every year. Its nuts to think about the people out there who actually believe in me and stand behind me every step of the way.

"Just the heating bill." I sigh heavily as i throw the letter back onto the table and avoid all adult responsibilities the best i can. I pushed the chair i engaged my body with and stood up to grab a beer from the fridge. I cracked open the can and took a long, hard swig from it, emptying the whole thing and allowing my body to release its trapped gases in a foul movement. I cover my mouth to hide my shame as i belch loudly, but its not enough to not make Sarah turn round and pierce me with eyes of disgust. We both then burst out into uncontrollably laughter, causing me to smile for the first time in the past 15 hours. The perks of marriage, how someone to constantly make you smile. Even when your disgusting.

We tuck in for dinner and have a nice conversation while we get stared down by some hungry dogs. I mean i say hungry but they literally were fed like an hour ago, but thats also me so i feel them. I suddenly get a bombarding of texts which i assume to be either one of the guys or someone like zac as they are the only people i can assume to text me at this time of night. I quickly pull my phone from my jeans and try to see the ergent messages. One by one the flew past and i tried to read them as best i could.

'Dud i did it'
'I finally won something''
'Well maybe'

I had no idea what this person was talking about but i finally managed to process that it was Dallon who had bombarded me. As i was about to construct my confused replies backs he fires out a 'im coming round!' Before i could even process why he was so giddy. I explain the news to Sarah while taking the dishes out and scrubbing them in the sink while she prepares herself for an overly-excited Dallon. I mean it takes alot of preparation when that man is emotionally unstable weather it be in a good or bad way. Hes just bad with his feelings and conveying them.

Within like the next 5 minutes i heard the audible screech of rubber on tarmac flooring and waited for the huge giraffe man to bust my door down, why he then did about 2 seconds later. He then starts to squeal really loudly which makes me regret even hiring this man to be part of my band in the first place. Jk i love him to pieces.
I sit him down and try to calm him so i could actually maybe even understood a word that came out of his hyperventilating gob. Hes sat there in shock for a while, clenching his fist in excitement around a measly piece of paper. I took it from his hands to see what it was which sent him into another squealing frenzy. I read the first lines and could bare to read anymore of the daunting letter. A VMA nomination. I mean im so proud of this dude but i wish i could be there with him this year. Even when i dont win i still feel absolutely loved and supported by the people who keep me creating, but maybe thats where im going wrong. Its been almost three years, maybe people are sick of me by now and just cant be bothered with me. My trance is then snapped by the worst question in existence.

""Where's your letter then?"

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