Are you ready boys?

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Brendon's POV

In a little less than 24 hours I'll be opening the VMAs with some of my best mates, also waiting to see if we have won the Band of the Year Award, that'd be a great achievement for us. I get out of bed, stretch and grab some comfy clothes. I put on a pair of ripped jeans and a baggy shirt. I grab some converse and head downstairs.
"You sure you have packed everything Bren?" Sarah says with a nervous tone in her voice. I kiss her on the forehead and nod my head. I walk outside to my studio and grab my guitar case and mic. I give Sarah one last kiss and fuss the dogs and head for the door. I put my stuff in the boot and drive to Dallon's house. The hotel is about 4 hours away so it's gonna be a long drive. Dallon hops in after putting his stuff in the back. The only thing we could talk about was how excited we were, we couldn't put it into words how exciting this was, I mean we've been and won before but it's still a nerve racking thing especially when you have to open up the show.

After many karaoke moments and lots of Dallon snoring we finally reach the hotel. We checked in and went up to our room. We had separate bedrooms though (we didn't want to start any excitement in the fandom). As I was about to put my clothes in the drawers I hear my phone go off.
"Hey Brendon did you make it there safely then?" I hear a familiar voice say.
"Yep sure did Harry! Do you need us to bring our equipment down?"
"Yeah we need to do a slight sound check today to make sure you can use your instruments with our gear and then a final one tomorrow to make sure everything is all handy dandy," I contained my laughter from that last little bit and hung up.

We rounded up the boys and made our way to the venue. We were all so excited. We've never opened up anything this big before so it's gonna be an experience.

We made it into the venue hall, it was full, of tables and chairs and fancy decorations, we hooked up all of our gear and started to play a few things. We still didn't know what we are opening the show with, it was either going to be "I Write Sins", "Ready to Go" or "This is Gospel". We were all jumping around testing out everything when we saw a couple of other bands watching and I notice the girl who was at the music store. I pause and walk over to her.
"So we meet again," I say laughing this is like the third time I've seen her.
"Ok you're amazing live I've never see you in concert and omg this is the best experience ever!" The way she spoke, it was all so familiar ugh this is frustrating.
"So what are you doing here?" I asked her, trying to see if I could recognise where I know her from.
"Oh um I've been nominated for best singer and best band, I'm part of the band Coloured Paints," She says this with a huge smile on her face. I laugh a little.
"We've been nominated for the same things," We laugh, shake hands and wish each other good luck. I walk back over the stage. We pack everything up and put them all backstage ready for tomorrow.
We all crowd into mine and Dallon's room and flop onto the sofa. I text Sarah saying that everything is fine and we put on Netflix. "I'LL GET POPCORN" Kenny shouts, tumbling off the couch onto the floor and then running into the tiny kitchen. We all burst out into laughter. I decided to Periscope for a little before we started the films to tell everyone the deal about tomorrow.

We watched a couple of films and one by one everyone just dropped off. We all kinds fell asleep on each other because when I woke up my head was on Dallon's shoulder and my legs on Dan's lap. I quickly get up before anyone else, crept into the kitchen and grabbed some pots and pans, this was gonna be good. I set my phone up onto stand and hit record. As soon as I saw the red light flashing I crashed the pots and pans together as loud as I could, you should have seen their faces, it was priceless. Dallon stood up and looked very angry, he took the pots and pans off me and shoved them down onto the table, I paused the recording and fell to the ground laughing. They didn't find it funny, but I did.

A couple of hours later I got changed in my room, my gold jacket and some black skinny jeans, I also had a gold tie to match. I brought a backpack with me filled with my stage clothes. We made our way to Kenny and Dan's room, making sure we had everything we need.

I shoved my bag into the dressing room, made sure my hair was perfect and made my way back outside onto the red carpet.

Darcy's POV

Wow tonight was the night. I ran into my bathroom to change. I pulled the beautiful gown out of its bag, straightening it out and staring at it before putting it on. It was honestly beautiful, I think, too beautiful for me. I pull it over my head, pulled up the zip and adjusted it a little. I did my usual winged eyeliner and swapped my eyeshadow for some pressed glitter, I applied a little bit of foundation and blush and curled my long chestnut hair. I looked different in a way, more beautiful someone could say, the dress showed off my figure perfectly and my makeup shaped my face. I looked nice for once. I grabbed my leather jacket in case it got cold. Oh no. I don't have any heels.

I ran downstairs to the shoe box throwing all the shoes out trying to find a black pair of heels. Nothing. My mums comes running out from hearing all the noise.
"What's wrong hunny?" She says in a worried tone. She could tell by the mess that I was having a crisis. She went into her room and came back out with a box I knew too well. It was a converse box. She hands me the box and I open it to find a brand new pair of black high topped converse. "Happy birthday!" she says with the biggest smile on her face. These are so expensive though. I shut the box and handed it back to her, "I can't take these, they look like they cost too much but thank you anyway," I say with a frown on my face. I picked an old pair of black boots, but my mum wasn't having it. "You're putting these on and that's that. It's your first award show hunny you have to make an amazing impression," she says giving me the shoes back. I nod, drop the box and lift to my feet squeezing her tightly. "Thank you" I say my voice cracking I tried not to tear up. Even though she's been my mom for 10 years I couldn't take anything that expensive off her. I put them on, they were so nice and comfy.

I ran up to Jack and Emily rooms to say my goodbyes. I gave Jack a big hug and he wished me good luck. I walk into Emily's room and she wouldn't let me go. She whispered in my ear "You look stunning," and a tear ran down her face ,"You've come so far I wish you the best of luck tonight I'm sure you'll win" she says with a little giggle. As I pull away she pulls a box out of her pocket. She opened it and it held a silver bracelet with different charms on it one of them was from Jack and another from Emily. They were beautiful. I took it out of the box and put it straight on my wrist, I swung my wrist around a bit so that they were dangling side to side. I hugged her one last time almost with tears in my eyes and walked back downstairs.

We arrived at the venue and I saw all my band mates outside waiting for me, I hugged them all but before we could say anything we were being pulled towards the red carpet. I've never been on a red carpet before so I don't really know what's going on. I watched as other celebrities went by and posed for the cameras, seems easy for them. Bri patted me on the back "You'll be fine kid," he looks down at me and smiles. I saw some of my favourite bands walk down such as Twenty One Pilots and I saw Patrick Stump behind us before, I tried to contain the fan girl as best as I could. In no time it was our turn. It was weird because people actually knew who we were, we only released our first album 3 months ago and were already being nominated for an award it was unreal. We had to pose together for different cameras and soon it was over, I was kinda glad as it was overwhelming in a way. We made our way to our table, little did we know we were sharing a table with one of my favourite bands.

Wow all your dreams are coming true, who is the band you are sitting with and will you win any awards going up against such good singers?

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