There was always another side of the story.

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Brendon just stared at the book as I tired to pull myself together. I see Dallon signalling Kenny and Dan to stay where they were and he slowly crept over to me. He kneeled beside me and rubbed my back. I heard the book hit the the floor, hard. Heavy footsteps were heading my way, i couldn't face him so I just looked down and cried. "Tell me it isn't true Darcy." He said getting angrier and angrier. "TELL ME" he screams out. I shy away and submerge into dallons hug. I could feel him shaking his head. He pulled me closer and I heard the door slam. I just sat and cried. I felt weak. I didn't wanna let go from dallons hug but I needed to know where Brendon was. I tried to release from the hug and stand up but my legs were weak so all I could do was kneel. Dan and Kenny left presumably to go find Brendon. Dallon stood up and held out his hand, we walked over to the couch. He patted the spot next to me and I rested my head on his shoulders. "Wh..why does my life suddenly change with a click of a finger? One minutes I've been nominated for an award and I'm the happiest girl in the world, the next I've been adopted by Brendon Urie and my life just turns upside down, it shouldn't be like this Dallon." He starts to fiddle with my hair before saying "I promise you this and not just as a cliche things will get better Darc I promise. You and Brendon are finding new things out about each other and these things can make or break it sometimes, you just gotta learn to live with it, don't forget I'm always here for you." He says his voice slightly cracking. "Thanks uncle Dall" I say before laughing and punching him on the arm. He wipes away my tears and we wait patiently to see if the others come back.

It's been about twenty minutes and all we have done is just play with dogs for while, no words from the boys, no nothing. I started to get worried. Peoples past can effect many others futures, and right now I've crushed Brendon's. It was the last though. Why should he care. He didn't even know me. I hear a car pull up. As soon as the door swings open I run up to Brendon and hug him. We both drop to the floor not letting go. I buried my head in his chest. He kissed my forehead and we slowly parted from the hug. He stared deep into my eyes before a smile crept upon his face. He sweeped me off my feet and carried me upstairs.

After a loooong nap, I walk up, have a shower, I tied up my hair up into a messy bun and threw on some pjs. I walked downstairs to see what has happening. Brendon and Sarah were talking in the kitchen so I guess I should go there. I picked up penny off the stairs and made my way to the kitchen. I rubbed my eyes and put penny back down, she sat right by my feet. I grabbed a stool and greeted everyone. "Lunch will be ready in ten" Sarah calls out from the stove. Brendon offers me his hand and guides me to the couch. We both sit down sipping on coffee, he gives me this look and rubs my leg. "If your ready tell me if your not your not take you time Darc I'm here when your ready." He has a slight smile on his face. I've never seen this side of him, before I came into his life he seemed like a complete goof ball but now he has such a sentimental side that I never realised. I guess I have to tell him some day, the quicker the better. Come on you can do this its now or never. My voice started to crack as i explained everything to him, "when I was 12, I was diagnosed with depression, I mean it's not a rare thing among teens so I wasn't surprised, I never really felt that sad until something hit me real hard, I guess the little things I had good control over, but things just started to turn, we moved houses so I could start public school and Emily and Jack could go to college, private school was too much, it was no place for me, so we moved. I lost a lot of my belongings including my camera my nana have me just before she passed away the year before and many of my clothes." I hold back the tears as best I could I couldn't bare losing my nana at the time and it still haunts me to this day. " we then find out that my Aunty has stage four lung cancer and had five months to live, and on top of that I was getting bullied 24/7 because I was the adopted child, the only good thing about the move was Harvey and kira. I met them at this new school and to be honest if it wasn't for them I probably would not be alive." I tears start to form in my eyes and Brendon pulls me close for a big hug. We sit there for a moment just embracing each other when we heard Sarah call us. We both pulled away and walked over to the kitchen. We ate out lunches and went to go sit in the studio. We both pulled up two chairs and sat around a desk. "I guess ill carry on from where I left off then." Brendon nodded and smiled at me. "They day came when I felt the lowest of the low, I tried to speak to my parents but this was when my dad had an alcohol problems so he would push me away and my mum just straight up neglected me, she couldn't take in the fact she was gonna lose her sister. I went to Emily and Jack but they ignored me, I was only young I needed support but not one was there to offer it to me. I was talking to kira and Harvey about it all, they were the only people who listened. But Harvey got too concerned when I said goodbye, we never said goodbye. It was our thing, it keeps as all together in a way. After that he was offline for a while, and so was I. I straight up walked down stairs past my whole family grabbed a bottle of pills and a glass of water and walked straight back upstairs. People looked but didn't have the guts to say anything." I could see the tears welding up into Brendon's eyes at the
Is point. "I took a handful of the pills, placed a note on my bed but before I took them I heard someone burst through the front door, I quickly sprinted to get the water and downed all of them. Each and every pill. Harvey ran up the stairs and grabbed me, and he ran. He tried to make me throw them up but only a few came back up. He carried me to the local hospital, he ran with me in his arms just to save me. I felt myself fading off but I tried to keep my eyes open for aslong as i could. We finally reached the hospital and I was taken off him, he looked heartbroken. He called my parents but my mum was away with my sister and my dad was in the pub. My mum tried to catch a plane Home as soon as she could but they were all delayed or fully booked. Emily and Jack were away looking a university's. I felt so neglected by my family. The doctors managed to pump my stomach but it was too late I fell into a coma. This was the point everyone realised what was going on, my father went into rehab, Emily and Jack were getting back onto their feet and their grades were better, and my mum excepted the loss of her sister and remembered the memories they shared, they were all fixed, besides me. They would visit everyday and wait and wait and wait for any type of answer. Nothing. Until two months had passed. I awoke, the first face I saw was a crying Harvey. I asked him if he was ok. He was holding flowers. As soon as I spoke he dropped them and his jaw dropped, I don't think I've ever seen him so happy on his life. I was alive. But was that really what I wanted. Well the answer was yes. Anything just got better up and better and look where I am now." By this point Brendon had run out of tissues and probably tears.

Wow what a depressing chapter. I'm sorry. I will make things more normal now I promise.

That's My Girl. // (B.U.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt