Chapter 26: First Kiss

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"I'm home" I said as I placed my shoes tidily and changed into my slippers . You must be thinking , what a nice boy ! But as a matter of fact , when one's the only child on whom his parents have lots of expectation , these simple habits are nothing . I'm ised to be the 'golden boy' .

"Oh ! You're home ? Go freshen up . I made lasagna for you just how you like it . And we could chat about lots of things " she clapped her hands excitedly .

Lots of things ? More like what happened at Sera's house ... I nodded nonetheless.

The lunch was silent . Maybe because I just answered my mother's questions with a nod and she probably sensed that I wasn't in a good mood for some reason .

"I'm full . Thank you for the delicious food, mother " I said nonchalantly and went to the kitchen to do the dishes . After five or six minutes , I heard her coming in the kitchen and take a deep sigh .

"Kai .. Son , whatever your father did was for your own good . You know he didn't mean it . You're probably angry at the way he tried to impose on you . But it was supposed to happen anyways , right ? He just wanted to make sure that you don't back out." She smiled at me hesitantly .

I let out a bitter laugh "So that's how much he - I mean both of you trust me . Isn't this supposed to be my own decision ? Ain't I supposed to be happy ? Rather I just feel guilty , forced and betrayed ". Her eyes widened and she looked away in deep thoughts . And I took that as a cue to go to my room .

I laid on my bed and ran a hand through my hair . This is all so messed up . I'm having a hard time trying to grasp the situation . I recalled the conversation with my father before going to Sera's house .


"But Dad , she doesn't love me . She likes someone else . How can I marry her ? Besides , I like someone else too . This will never work " I said raising my voice .

" That's enough Kai ! You're acting childish and rebellious, that's all . You're lying just to annoy me" my fathers voice boomed in our living room .

I snorted . "Rebellious? I've listened to everything you asked me ever since I could walk , haven't I ?? Dad .. "

"Stop it Kai . How dare you talk to me like that !! You like Sera and she likes you .. Do you get that ? And I'm not canceling this marriage because of the sudden change of your mood " he stated calmly .

I looked at him in disbelief "What do you mean by 'I love Sera and she loves me'?? Are you seriously deciding that ?!! I don't care what you say . I'm NOT doing this stupid thing " I tried to leave the room ignoring the pleading looks from my mother who is yet to utter a single word . I can't believe that she agrees with dad .

Dad stopped me with a strong grip on my arm. "Look Kai , I don't know what happened to you suddenly . But I won't tolerate this behavior of yours . I'm going to demand all my investments back from Jones Corporations and cancel my partnership with them if you do any funny things , you get it ? "

I stiffened . I couldn't believe he would do something like this just to stop me from backing up from a marriage of his choice . Did he seriously want me to be his living puppet ?!!!

"The engagement is going to be held within a week and you're the one who's going to inform Sera and her family . Take that as your punishment for arguing with me " he smirked looking like he just won a war or something .

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