We're Here

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Aphmau P.O.V

We were walking in Red Sakura and there were Sakura trees everywhere and it was beautiful. The petals were falling everywhere and the people were so beautiful. We followed Elisabeth and she entered a small market and she came out and through me a drink and I looked at it and it was Sakura flavored. I looked at her confused and she was smiling. 

Elisabeth: What it's a good soda if your sick or having a baby.

She said and I nodded and I opened it and started to drink it and it was so good. It tasted like strawberries and flowers. It was amazing and I drank all of it in 10 minutes and Elisabeth was drinking it and looked around. 

Aphmau: So is it this pretty.

Elisabeth: Yeah basically. People say it's the pretties place they ever seen and the cafes and restaurants are pretty cheep.

Garroth: Why is that?

Elisabeth: A lot of people live here so we have pretty cheep, but good cafes and restaurants. My favorite to go to is the animal cafes.

Aphmau: I love animals. I want to go.

Aaron: Well you can go to one when we find a place to stay.

Elisabeth: If I can get in the palace then I could get you guys a room.

Zane: Well then do that.

Vylad: Yeah we'll be fine without you.

Elisabeth: Well here.

Then she held up a necklace with a red stone and I grabbed it and put it around my neck and she smiled. 

Elisabeth: Just don't get the necklace lost ok.

Aphmau: Ok.

Elisabeth: And don't get to any fights.

Zane: Got it.

Then she walked away and we walked around and the town was so beautiful. 

Elisabeth P.O.V

I was walking to the palace and there was a lot of people and I walked to the palace and there were some shadow knights in the area and I went to the back and found the button and I placed my finger on it and the button checked my finger print and it opened a door and I went in and I went in one of the secret ways and when I entered I took off my coat and I sighed. I put my hand through my hair and I sighed. I followed the ways and I heard some people talk outside, but I didn't really hear what they were saying. I kept walking and I saw arrows fly by me and I looked back and the arrows were coming from the one of the traps I set. I started to run and the arrows still came. I finally turned the corner and the arrows hit the wall and I was breathing heavily and I was siting on the floor. My legs couldn't walk any more. 

???: Wonder who did this?

A voice said and I knew that voice. That wad Jason voice and I heard foot steps coming my way and I stood up and I quickly fell down and I hit my forehead on the floor and I looked back and heard the foot steps get closer. I looked back and saw Jason turn the corner and when he did he looked at me and raised his eyebrow and he smiled. 

Jason: When did you show up here?

Elisabeth: Just shut up and help me up.

He laughed and he went in front of me and put my on his back and he was piggyback ridding me and I sighed and just let him do it. We started to move and he turned his head and smiled at me. 

Jason: So when did you come to Red Sakura?

Elisabeth: I came today to check on some stuff.

Jason: Wow. Well I did take good care of the kingdom when you were gone.

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