Chapter 52: What A Birthday!

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Emily woke up around 7 and Bella was fast asleep so she changed her clothes, went downstairs and made pancakes with Nutella for breakfast. She sat the table and called Garcia. She invited Penelope for breakfast and the woman couldn't be more excited. She arrived there really fast with cupcakes and donuts. She helped Emily with some balloons and a happy birthday sign. They waited till 9:30 to wake the little girl up.

"Bella" Emily sang soothing the girl's hair. "Let's wake up birthday girl" she said and Bella moved a little. "Time to wake up" Emily said and Bella opened her eyes to find Emily and Penelope staring at her with big smiles on their faces.

"Hi" the girl whispered.

"Happy birthday" Emily said with a smile pushing some hair away from Isabella's face.

"Is my birthday today?" Bella asked confused.

"Yeah" Emily laughed and Bella jumped in her arms. "Happy birthday baby" Emily said hugging the girl and suddenly she felt the girl's body start to shudder. "Oh Bella, it's okay." She said running her hand on the girl's back.

"I wish dad was here" Bella cried.

"I know honey. I'm sorry" Emily said feeling bad. "Hey don't cry. Your Dad wouldn't want you to be sad today. He would want you to be happy and have fun." Emily said letting go of the hug.

"Yeah. We have a little surprise downstairs" Penelope said smiling and Bella just stared at her.

"Don't cry, okay?" Emily said wiping Isabella's face. She never asked the girl not to cry but that day she wanted Bella to have fun and she knew if she let the girl cry and be upset the day wouldn't probably go as they had planned.

"Let's go eat breakfast" Emily said and they headed downstairs.


"Surprise!" Penelope said as they walked into the dining room.

"Oh my god!" Bella said looking at all the things on the table. "How many people are eating here?" She asked laughing.

"Just us" Emily laughed. They sat and ate and the mood was completely changed. Isabella was happy and excited. She missed her dad but she knew what her mother said was true. John would want her to be happy and that was what she would try to be.
Be happy and have fun.

They finished eating and sat in the living room.

"Time for presents" Penelope said carrying a big bag on her hands.

"Did you buy the entire store?" Emily laughed.

"No. Probably just half" Penelope said handing the bag to Bella.

"You didn't have to buy me anything. You gave me so many things in New York" Bella said.

"Oh munchkin, you didn't think that your fairy godmother would miss a chance to spoil you a little more, did you?" Penelope said and Bella laughed.

"Thank you" Bella said and gave Garcia a hug.

"Go on! Open it up!" Penelope said excited.

Bella sat on the floor and was all smiles as she took the gifts out. She got two seasons of Doctor who, a doctor who backpack, a Harry Potter throw and a doctor who book.

"We'll there's something else" Penelope said and ran to get another bag in the kitchen.

"Garcia that's too much stuff" Emily said.

"This one is special" Penelope said handing a big wrapped box to Bella.

Isabella opened it and smiled big as she saw what it was. "Boots!" She said excited and opening the box really fast.

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