Chapter 45: In Seattle

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It was a little over 7 when Emily woke up and checked her phone for the time. She woke Isabella up and both went to brush their teeth and wash their face then headed downstairs. They ate breakfast and Emily thought that couldn't have gone better. Isabella was in a better mood than the day before and ate everything without complaining at all.
After breakfast they went to get ready.


"I'm all done" Isabella said walking in to Emily's bedroom.

Emily was getting a coat. "I'm done too" she said and walked out of the closet.

"Mom?" Bella said a bit embarrassed. "I'm really sorry for being mean to you yesterday and for the thing at the doctor" she said. Emily grabbed her hand and guided her to the bed where they both sat.

"Look. I won't accept you talking to me that way but I know you were scared at the doctors. So you don't have to apologize for that okay?" She said serious.

"I'm sorry I sort of blew up" Bella said. "I was angry because I didn't want you to hold me down"

"But Bella you wouldn't let them do it, baby" Emily said and Bella looked down at the floor. "Look. Let's not worry about that anymore okay? It's over. It's done" Emily said.

"But what if on Monday I need to get another one?" Isabella asked. "You won't hold me down, will you?"

"I won't honey. But you need to let them do it, okay?" Emily said.

"Can Derek go?" Isabella asked.

Emily asked "Why do you want him to go?"

"Because I don't mind him holding me down, I just don't want you to do it. I just want you to hug me afterwards" Bella said.

"Okay" Emily let out a little smile. "I'm sure he'll go if the team doesn't have a case"

"Okay. Can you ask him?" Bella asked.

"Sure. I'll call him" Emily said. "But now let's go or we're going to be late." Emily told her and they left.

They met Penelope at the check-in line and by the time they got done it was already boarding so they went in. The three sat next to each other, Bella between them, and it wasn't long till the plane took off.

"Excited, b?" Penelope asked and Bella smiled. She was excited but she was also very very nervous.

The flight was great. Bella feel asleep and woke up when they were about to land. When they got there Emily rented a car and they headed to the hotel.

"we are all sharing a room, right?" Isabella asked Penelope.

"Well, we weren't but if you wan-" Emily said.

"I do" Isabella interrupted her.

"Is that alright Garcia?" Emily asked smiling at Penelope.

"More than alright" Penelope smiled and hugged Bella. So they checked in and went up to their room. They got everything settled and while Emily went to the bathroom Isabella turned the tv on and laid on the bed. After a while Emily got out and saw the girl.

"Hey. We didn't come here to watch tv. Come on. We're going out" Emily said and she saw Isabella's face change. She looked scared.
"Bella" Emily said walking over to the side of the bed to sit beside the girl. Before she sat down the girl jumped and hugged her. She wasn't crying but she was upset.
"Oh Bells" Emily said.

"I just miss him. And I ummn... I didn't think I was gonna feel like this when I got here" Isabella said.

"Look. How about we stay here for just a little while than?" Emily said. She didn't want to rush the girl.

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