Chapter 38: Not Looking Up

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It was almost 2am when Isabella jumped awake from a nightmare. She pulled her blanket from under the pillow and cried herself back to sleep. Around 4:30 she jumped up again. She tried hard to go back to sleep and was only able to around 6. She had a horrible night.

At 6:30 Emily woke up with the alarm clock and went to wake Bella. She walked in the bedroom and leaned over her sleeping daughter. Isabella's dark hair was tossed across her pillow and part of her face. Emily soothed it back, revealing Bella's pale cheek.

"Hey," Emily whispered. "Sleeping beauty. temps pour l'école, mon amour. (Time for school, my love)" Emily sang quietly. Isabella grumbled, rolling over.
"Come on, honey," Emily said smiling. She pushed open the curtains.

"Come on, Bellie" Emily said walking out of the room. Isabella stared at the window. She didn't want to go to school and she also didn't want to go to the office. But she got up and showered really fast and got dressed. During breakfast, Emily poured Bella some cereal and milk and the little girl sat at the island and ate it as fast as she could. She felt sick but she just shoved it in. After eating she headed back upstairs, got her bag and went to lay in the living room couch. Emily got all her things and when she went to get Bella she was sleeping again.

"Hey. Time to go" Emily said soothing Bella's hair. Bella opened her eyes and got up. They headed to school.
The drive was fine but Isabella didn't say a word. Emily tried talking but Bella just sat there almost falling asleep again. When they arrived Bella said goodbye and Emily told her to call if anything happened. Bella said sure, sounding a bit upset and then she left. When she walked in the school without looking back , Emily sat there feeling broken. She knew the kid was scared and mad about things. She just wished she could make everything okay. But she couldn't.

Isabella headed to PE and found Chloe waiting for her at the entrance.
"Hi" Chloe said hugging Bella. "Are you okay?" She asked noticing Bella's bag under her eyes and the sleepy face.

"Yeah. I'm just really tired" Isabella said and Chloe gave her an understanding smile. They walked in close to the teacher and suddenly Bella felt she was about to have a panic attack again. She just felt so weird and she wasn't sure what was going on.

"I think I'm gonna go sit" Bella said. "I don't feel very good"

"You need to talk to the teacher" Chloe said.

"Okay" Bella said and walked closer to the teacher who was marking who was present there. She told him she wasn't feeling okay and he could see she didn't look very well so he told her to go to the nurse station to get checked. Isabella walked back to Chloe and told her friend where she was going.


At the nurse station, the nurse checked her lungs, her heart, her blood pressure and poked her finger to check her sugar level. Everything seemed normal but the sugar was low. The nurse could see the kid didn't look so good.

"Have you been sleeping okay?" She asked and Bella nodded yes. "Not every night?" The nurse asked. She could tell Isabella was lying.

"Not every night" Bella admitted.

"You don't look very good so I'm giving you a pass. You shouldn't do PE like this. Your blood sugar is low" the nurse said. She wrote something on a paper and handed to Bella.
"Go to the cafeteria and give them this. They'll give you some apple juice and then you can just hang out in a lounge or in your classroom, okay?"

"Okay" Bella said.

"The juice might help you feel a bit better."

"Okay" Bella said and headed out. She walked to the cafeteria feeling a bit dizzy, drank the juice and headed to the library. She picked a Charles Dickens book and sat on a desk in the corner looking out the window. There was no one else there, only the library lady. She began reading and she felt tired so she closed the book and laid her head on her arms on the top of the table and ended up falling asleep.

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