Chapter 35: Recover

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School went on okay. After the last bell rang they went to the theater to wait for the results of the choir auditions and for their happiness they all got in. They were so excited. The director said they would start the rehearsals the upcoming week so they headed to the bus stop.
On their way there Isabella got a text from Derek: "I'm driving you home. Wait for me in front of the school."

"Chloe, Derek's coming to pick me up" Bella said and her friends left.

After a while Derek showed up.
"So how are you doing kid?" He asked on their way to the apartment.

"I'm fine" Bella lied.

"You are just like your mother" he told her knowing the girl was lying.


Derek dropped Isabella off and headed back to work.

Isabella got home to find Emily asleep on the couch. She went upstairs to change. Emily didn't wake up till after 6. The meds just knocked her out. She woke up to find Bella sleeping in the other couch.


Around 7, Emily decided to get the dinner ready. She made spaghetti and then woke Bella up. She finished cooking while Bella set the stuff at the island. They had dinner and Bella barely ate any food. She just played with it on her plate and waited till Emily was done.

"You need to eat more than 3 full forks, honey" Emily said looking concern.

"I don't feel very good" Bella said looking down at the food.

"How about just a little bit more?" Emily said softly begging.

"I can't" Bella said as she felt her eyes sting. She hated that she was always crying now. She didn't really understand why and she just hated it.

"Just a little bit, Bella" Emily said but before she finished Bella was already running away.

"Bella!" Emily stood up and called as Bella hurried up the stairs. She went to her room and slammed the door and shoved herself on the bed. She tried hard not to cry but she couldn't help it. She didn't want any of that, she wanted her life back. She just hated being scared all the time. She wanted her dad, and Cam, and Seattle. She just wanted it all to go back to like it was before.

Emily walked to Bella's room. She went in to find Bella below the covers. She pulled the covers away and saw Bella's red face staring back at her.

"Oh honey" Emily said and sat on the bed. Isabella sat up and hugged her mother. She didn't say anything. She didn't have to. She just cried and Emily kept rocking her slightly till she calmed down. Once Isabella went back to normal she sat beside Emily on the bed.

"This is because of my work, isn't it?" Emily asked just to make sure, when Isabella didn't answer she knew that it was. "Honey. This doesn't happen frequently, okay? All these years I got hurt maybe 3 times. Sometimes people throw punches and sometimes you're the one taking them but that doesn't mean I'm going to come home like this every time" Emily said not wanting to hide from Bella that she could get hurt. "Look. I've been thinking and I can stop. Alright? I can. I can find something else to do. I don't know. I'll find something." Emily said. She indeed had thought hard about that before and she knew that if it came to the point that she had to choose she would always chose her daughter's wellbeing, and seeing Bella so scared of her going to work was killing her.

"I don't want you to stop mom. You're helping people. I don't want you to stop. I'm just scared but I don't want you to stop." Bella said with tears starting to roll down her face again. She was telling the truth, she didn't want Emily to stop, she always thought that what her mother got to do was amazing and brave and also she liked the team and she knew deep inside they wouldn't let Emily get killed. Even though all she could think was that that would happen.

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