Chapter 43: Oh Brother

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It was 7:48 when Penelope woke up again.
Isabella was snuggling Emily who was fast asleep.

She got out of the bed and headed to the kitchen. She made coffee and then decided to make pancakes. She knew Isabella liked that and the girl could use a nice breakfast. She had just begun cooking when Jeremy went down.

"Good morning" he said.

"Hi. Good morning" Penelope said.

"How is she?" He asked.

"Asleep. She's alright, you know" Penelope told him.

"I don't think she's actually okay" he said. "I think this is all too much for her" he said and poured himself some coffee.

"What do you mean?" Penelope asked a bit confused.

"I don't know" he said.

"Unm. Do you guys work today?" He asked changing the subject.

"Nop. Hotch gave everyone a day off" she smiled.

"Oh so you're all going back to work tomorrow?" He asked.

"I don't think Emily is going, if that's what you're asking" Penelope said. "I don't think she'll leave that baby alone for a very long time" she said with a smile.

"Good" he said serious.

Suddenly Emily appeared at the bottom of the stairs.
"Penelope? What are you doing?" Emily asked.

"Pancakes for my buttercup" Penelope smiled putting the last pancake in the huge pile. Emily smiled.
"Is she awake?" Penelope asked.

"Not quite" Emily said.

Isabella woke up when Emily got out of the bed, Emily asked if she wanted to go down but she said she wanted to sleep more, so Emily kissed her and left.

"Well, Can I take some up to her?" Jeremy asked.

"Of course" Emily said heading to pour herself some coffee. While her back was turned to the island she didn't see the amount of food Jeremy was putting on the plate. When she turned she was surprised.
"Jeremy, she's not going to eat all of that. That's too much food" Emily said staring at the plate with 4 pancakes, strawberries and blueberries.

"Em she can easily eat this" he said.

"She's not going to, Jeremy" Emily said.

"She needs to eat. okay? I've never seen her so boney in my entire life" he said.

"She hasn't been eating well but I'm not forcing food down her throat right now" Emily said serious and he just stared at her. "Take just two pancakes and it's fine. If she wants more she'll ask" she said.

"Are you serious? They are small! At home she would eat at least 4 and now you want to give her two?" He said sounding pissed.

"Jeremy, at home she had her father with her, didn't she?" Emily said serious.

"Yes but here she has us now but apparently you're not doing anything" he said pissed.

"I'm not forcing her to eat. And that's it. You're not doing that either" Emily said pissed too.

"Who do you think you are ? Not letting me give her food, are you fucking serious?" He said loud.

"I am her mother." Emily said angry grabbing the plate and taking 2 pancakes off. "I'm gonna take these for her. If she wants more I'll come and get it." She said and headed to the stairs.

Jeremy just stayed there looking pissed.
Emily went up and Bella was awake. She had been listening to them.
"Good morning" Emily said and the girl just stared at her. "Are you alright?" Emily asked confused, she didn't think the girl could have heard them.

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