Chapter 39: Running Away

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Penelope and Isabella, both woke up at 6:30 with the alarm clock. The morning went okay. Bella took a shower and got dressed and ate her cereal before they headed out. She wasn't feeling very good but she kept quiet and didn't tell Penelope anything.
At school she headed to class and just sat quietly on her desk, when the first break bell rang she told her friends that she wasn't feeling so good so she wanted to stay inside the classroom. Gavin and Chloe decided to stay there with her.

"What exactly are you feeling Bella?" Chloe asked.

"Just sick I guess" Bella said laying her head on the table. Her head was hurting a bit.

"You really don't look too good" Gavin said and Bella just stayed there quiet.

"If you feel anything else tell us, okay?" Chloe said and Bella nodded.


The class after that was science and it was okay. Isabella's eyes watered a couple of times when thoughts about her dad and her mom filled her mind. She wasn't feeling good at all and she didn't want to have to explain everything to any one, so at lunch she told her friends she was going to call her mom so she stayed inside the classroom while Chloe and Gavin headed to the cafeteria.

"Hi mom" Bella said.

"Hi. Is everything okay?" Emily asked a bit concern Isabella was calling her from school.

"Yeah. It's fine" Bella said. "I just called cause I was wondering if it would be okay for me to go home after school today." She said. "Chloe could come over and we have a bunch of homework to work so..."

"Chloe would stay there with you?" Emily asked.

"Yeah. She said she could" Bella lied.

"Alright" Emily said. "Just be safe, okay?"

"I know" Bella said. "And you too"

"Okay. Look if I have to stay here again Pen will go over there at night to stay with you" Emily said.

"Okay" Bella said trying to sound fine but tears filled her eyes.

"Alright. I love you. Take care"

"You too" Bella said. "Bye"

"Bye" Emily said and hung up. Emily dialed Penelope's phone number and waited for her friend to pick up. She told her that Bella was going home with Chloe and asked if she could go stay with her around 7 so she could make sure the kid had dinner and everything. Of course Penelope said yes and then she mentioned that Bella cried quite a bit the night before. Emily felt sad about that and also confused of what exactly was going on with the child. They talked some more and then hung up and both went back to work.


At school Isabella's friends went back to the classroom with a bag of chips for her.

"Hey. We got you this" Gavin said handing the bag to Bella.

"Thanks" she said opening it and picking some chips to eat.

"So... are you feeling a bit better now?" Chloe asked.

"Kind of" Bella said. "Oh Chlo, I'm heading home today after school."

"Isn't your mom traveling?" Gavin asked.

"She'll be back home before I get there" Isabella lied. She just wanted to be alone in the apartment so she could have some time for herself and not worry about letting her guard up or having to say what she was feeling.

"Good" Chloe said. "I hate riding the bus alone with Millie" She said and Bella gave her a small smile.

Suddenly the bell rang and it was time for math. Bella just stayed the same as earlier that morning, quiet and distant.
The last class of the day was art and they watched a documentary about Picasso. When the school was over, Gavin said goodbye and headed to his bus while Bella and Chloe went to pick Millie up. Before they could make it to Millie's classroom 2 of those mean girls, Vanessa and Gail, stopped them.

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