Chapter 9: Breaking Down

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Isabella got to her room and just laid on the bed. She was really tired but she couldn't sleep.

"Told you that you'd like them" Emily said opening the door. She walked over to the bed and sat facing Bella.
"Are you alright?" She asked noticing the girl's face.

"Yeah. I'm just tired" Isabella said.

"Let's try to get some sleep then" Emily said lying down next to her daughter. Isabella moved closer to her.

"Mom?" She said.


"When are we going to DC?"

"I'm thinking maybe Sunday" Emily said.
It was Wednesday so she thought till Sunday they would have some time to get ready.
"What do you think?" Emily asked Bella.

"Sunday is fine" she said hugging her mom.

They stayed hugging and not a noise was made till about 12 minutes later when Bella sat on the bed and said "I can't sleep"

"Neither can I" Emily said.

Bella looked tired and upset about the fact she wasn't really able to sleep.

"Do you want to go for a ride?" Emily asked.

"Sure" Bella said getting up. "Anything is better than just staying here"

Emily got up and they headed downstairs. They found JJ on her way up.

"Hey I was gonna tell you that we were heading to the hotel" JJ said.

"Alright. I'm going for a ride with Bella" Emily said.

"Okay. Oh and Hotch wants to go back tomorrow so we have to go" JJ said.

"You're leaving?" Isabella asked Emily and they could see the scared look on her face.

"No no. It's just us. Your mom is staying" JJ said and gave Bella a hug. She could feel the kid was tense.

"Hey." Emily said softly and Isabella looked at her. "I'm not going anywhere" she said giving Bella a warm smile. "Okay?"

"Alright" Bella agreed. They walked to the kitchen and headed off.


Emily drove without a destination for a while and then Bella said "do you want to get ice cream again?"

"I sure do" Emily said smiling. She was happy Bella wanted to do things but she knew that was all an act to cover up the pain she didn't want to let out.


They went to the mall and to the ice cream shop. Once again got the same flavors. When they were done Isabella was really really tired. She felt like if she laid her head down somewhere she would fall asleep.

"Can we go home now?" Bella said.

"Sure. Are you alright?" Emily asked concerned.

"Yeah. I'm just tired" she said.
They got up and Emily threw her arm around Bella's shoulders and they went to the car. Isabella fell asleep on the way home. When they got there Emily had to wake her up.

"Hey. We're home" she said softly.

Bella opened her eyes and stretched, making Emily laugh.
They got out of the car and went up. Isabella went straight to the couch. She new she wouldn't sleep anymore. The tiredness was there but she didn't feel like sleeping. She turned the tv and started watching 'Baby Mama'.

Emily sat next to her.
"Hey. Lay here" Emily said placing a pillow on her lap. Bella laid down and they just watched the movie.

Isabella felt like her head was going to a hundred million places at the same time. She was thinking about her dad, and about moving to DC, about her mom going to work and what she would do, where would she stay. She was scared. She was scared about all of that and about the fact that living with her mom would make all they did to protect her before disappear. She knew if those bad people wanted they would find her and she was so scared about that.

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