Chapter 15: I just cant

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The next morning Emily woke up with the buzzer.
"Hey it's okay, go back to sleep" she said as Bella opened her eyes.
"Close your eyes, it's just the buzzer. I'll be right back" Emily said and Bella went back to sleep.

She headed downstairs and it was Shepherd and Callie. She let them in and they sat to drink some coffee.
Shepherd had called Callie after Emily called him and told her what happened so they wanted to go check on Bella and they were surprised to find her still asleep, it was almost 9, and even more to find out she slept all night.

After a while sleepy face Bella appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning" Emily said smiling.

"Oh my god! You look so cute! I loved it" Callie said running up to Bella and hugging her.

"You are certainly cutter" Shepherd said smiling.

"Thanks" Isabella shyly replied waking over to her mom.

Emily hugged her.
"Good morning" she said and Bella gave her a sweet smiled and murmured "morning". She was still sleepy.

"I got you donuts" Shepherd said handing a dunkin donuts box to Bella. She picked one and took a bite out of it.

"Thanks" she said with her mouth full, making everyone laugh.
She sat at the island and Emily poured her some orange juice. Bella wasn't hungry but just ate the donut because she was scared they would make her eat a bowl really full of cereal again. She drank the entire juice and finished her donut.
Shepherd handed the box to her again.

"I'm full" she said trying to ignore everyone looking at her.

"Hey. Just one more" Shepherd said smiling.

"I accept more juice actually" she said serious and a little pissed, handing her glass to Emily, who filled it up.

"No donuts?" Shepherd asked.

"No thank you." She gave him a fake smile and headed to the stairs but before she could make it Emily called her out.

"Hey!" She called and Bella looked at her.
"Drink it here" Emily said and Shepherd looked impressed at her.

"What?" Bella asked confused.

"Finish it up here. Then go up" Emily explained with a serious face. She didn't want to be mean but she knew what the kid was going to do.

"I don't want it then" Isabella said not really believing Emily was doing that.

"You won't go up if you don't drink. You're not getting sick remember?" Emily said.

"Fine. I stay here then" Isabella said with an attitude and headed to the couch.

Emily followed her and sat next to her.
"Bella, what's going on? Why the attitude?" She asked.

"I'm sick of all of you trying to force things into me" she said not looking at her mother.

"We already explained to you, Didn't we?" Emily said.

"And I ate a bunch of things yesterday, mom. Why can't I just eat whatever? Dad never cared. Dad didn't mind me skipping meals or eating just a little. It's not gonna make me sick" Isabella said and let the glass fall on the floor making a huge noise. Luckily it didn't shatter into a thousand little pieces, it just broke into 3 big pieces.

"Bella" Emily said with disapproval. Isabella didn't even look at her. She put her feet up and and buried her face on the couch placing a pillow over her head.
"Hey sit up. Emily said as she tried to take the pillow off.

"Leave me alone" Isabella yelled.

Emily never heard those word coming out of Bella like that. She sounded so angry.

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