Chapter 30: First Case

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Emily woke up with the alarm clock. She woke Bella up and they got ready really fast. Isabella's first class was P.E and she was not exited about that at all.

"Mom" she said when she got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning Bella" Shepherd said.

"Good morning" Bella smiled and turned to Emily "Can you help me with my hair? We need to have it up for P.E"

"Sure. Come here" Emily said and Bella walked over there. The girl was feeling very nervous and Emily could see that.
Emily was nervous too, especially about traveling on cases again but she couldn't let anyone see that, specially Bella.

Emily did two French braids on Bella's hair because that was the only thing that didn't fall if she moved too much so it was good for PE. Isabella thanked her and sat at the island to eat breakfast. Shepherd placed a plate with pancakes in front of her. She made a face realizing the amount of food.

"Unm... I can't eat all of this" she said.

"I'm sure half goes down" Emily smiled and Shepherd let out a laugh. Bella didn't think that was funny.
She managed to shove half the food down her throat and drank a bit of apple juice. When she was done she ran upstairs before anyone could say anything.

"So she's still not eating much?" Shepherd asked.

"Not really but she's trying" Emily said. She was concerned about the food too and Isabella did lose some weight but she knew that was just a matter of time and she didn't want to be pushing Bella about the food all the time.

Shepherd smiled and they finished eating. Suddenly Bella went down with her bag all ready to go.
"Mom it's 7:30. I'm gonna be late" Isabella said. Emily shoved the last bite of pancake, grabbed her bag and ran out the door.

The drive to school was quiet, Isabella was still pretty sleepy. When Emily parked Isabella unbuckled and hugged Emily.
The hug lasted longer than usual.

"Hey. I'll see you soon, okay?" Emily said. She knew exactly why the girl was taking so long.

"Okay" Bella said letting go of the hug. She looked straight at Emily's eyes. "Call me, please." she said serious trying to push away the tears forming.

"I will. Don't worry" Emily said smiling trying to push her daughter's fears and her owns away.

"I love you mom" Bella said.

"I love you too" Emily smiled.

"Be safe" they both said in unison and laughed.

"Bye honey" Emily said as Bella stepped out of the car.

"Bye" Bella smiled and walked to the school entrance. As always she looked back and smiled with the sight of Emily's car parked waiting for her to go in. She turned around and Chloe was right there.

"Hey!" Chloe said.

"Hi" Bella said surprised.

"So did you have a good night?" Chloe asked knowing Bella could probably have had a horrible one.

"It was okay I guess. No nightmares if that's what you want to know" Bella said blushing.

"Good" Chloe smiled and grabbed Bella's arm. "Let's go. Your first PE." Chloe laughed pushing Bella through the hall as they headed to the basketball court. Bella didn't like PE but that class wasn't so bad. The teacher divided the class in boys and girls and they did warm ups for a while. And then the boys played basketball while the girls watched and then they inverted. Isabella didn't really touch the ball too much, she stayed as far away from the game as she could. After PE they had a big break so they could shower and get ready for the next class. After the big break the bell rang and it was time for lunch. Isabella was hungry so for the first time she bought real food at school, well if you can call a hamburger a real food.
She ate all of it and drank half of her sprite.

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