Chapter 51: Those Sweet Moments

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Emily woke up that Wednesday morning and smiled as she noticed Isabella's tight grip on her shirt. She soothed the girl's hair and just stayed like that for a while. She was so happy her baby was home again.
She checked the clock and it was already 10 so she decided to wake the child up.

"Hey. Bellie. Wake up mom amour" Emily sang soothing the girl's hair. Isabella moved a little and opened her eyes.
"Hi" Emily said.

Listening to that word Bella hugged her mother tight. She felt like it had been a dream that she was back home but she was wrong. It was real.

"Good morning" Emily said.

"Morning mommy" Bella said letting go of the hug, her eyes were full of tears.

"Let's have breakfast?" Emily asked and Bella nodded with a smile fighting her tears. She was so happy to be home.

They headed down and Emily made toasts with Nutella. They ate and then decided to go back to Emily's bed and watch some tv. They laid next to each other and watched 'Doctor who' till about 1pm. Emily decided they should eat lunch so they made spaghetti together, which turned the kitchen into a crazy mess as they had fun and played around while cooking. It was sweet moments like that that always made Emily see that she was doing a good job with the girl.
They ate lunch, cleaned the kitchen and then sat in the living room to watch a movie.
20 minutes into it Bella fell asleep. Emily let her sleep and just sat there watching tv and working on some paperwork.

Around 4 Bella woke up.
The girl opened her eyes and smiled as she noticed her mom was staring at her. Emily smiled back. Bella got out of the couch she was laying at and sat on Emily's lap.

"Did you have a good nap?" Emily asked.

"Yeah" Bella said. "And what did you do?"

"Just watched tv and finished some paperwork" Emily said.

"When are you going back to work?" Bella asked.

"next week" Emily said.

"Are you going on a case?" Bella asked a bit scared.

"Maybe. But you'll be okay with Aunt Penny" Emily said.

"But what if those girls say things at school?" Bella asked a little upset.

"How about if Garcia picked you up earlier? And then on the next day you stay regular hours?" Emily suggested. "And if they say anything you can call her or me" she added.

"Okay" Bella said not looking very happy.
"Anything she'll pick me up?" Bella asked.

"Yes" Emily said smiling and hugged the girl.

"Well... Let's not talk about school, okay? I wanna see all the pictures from New York" Emily said excited.

"It's on my phone" Bella said getting out of Emily's lap and running to the stairs.
Emily turned the tv off and followed the girl.
They sat on Isabella's bed and looked at the pictures while the girl went on and on about everything they did. Then Bella showed Emily all the things Derek and Penelope bought for her.

"Wow they really spoiled you" Emily smiled.

"I didn't ask for anything. I swear" Bella said and Emily laughed.

They just talked for a long time.
Around 7, they ate leftover spaghetti and Bella asked if they could go get ice cream.

"Ice cream shop or supermarket?" Emily asked smiling.

"supermarket" Bella said. "Can we buy toppings too?" Bella asked excited.

"We sure can" Emily smiled. "Let's change." She said. They were still wearing pajamas so they changed their clothes and headed out. They went to Walmart and bought chocolate, vanilla and mint ice cream and also a bunch of different things to put in it. When they got home they ate and had a great time. Emily was just so so so happy, she couldn't stop smiling.

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