"I-I don't understand..." He fumbled with the paper.

"I'm sorry if I've upset you in some way or done something to make you think I'm not good enough for your precious Beatles, but they would all say otherwise." I said sternly.

"Miss Bunting, this isn't personal, it's strictly business. I'm sure fans and the press don't want to see some strange girl following the boys like an adoring puppy everywhere they go." He tried to explain. I sat back.

"Isn't that why you made me an assistant?" I retorted. He paused.

"Yeah, tell me it isn't personal again. I dare you." I was angry and I hardly ever got angry.

"Miss Bunting, since you've been...with them, I've had to put out more fires dealing with them than ever before." He went a different angle.

"So? They're kids! They're young men supercharged with ego and hormones, of course they're gonna get into trouble. You should be grateful for all I've done with them since I've been here. Did you know it was me that got to Paul as soon as I could when he got hurt? Did you know it was me who stitched John up after he went after the perpetrators? Did you know that it was me who tried to fix the newspaper scandal with John? Did you know it was me who made sure if they were drunk they went straight to bed? I've been such a helping hand with those four than I think you realize and they love me. They can't imagine life without me with them. I've tried to be nothing but a good assistant too. I've worn the getup in public, I've done paperwork for God's sake, I've doted on and cared for those four boys above and beyond probably anybody since they've been on tour. So you can't tell me I'm a disruptive influence." I rhymed off. He was speechless. I was just going to stand to go when he finally spoke.

"I suppose I may have misjudged you, miss Bunting. I know the lads love you and you do bring a certain charm to their dynamic as a group. I apologize." He said. I felt sort of winded after my little spout off there, but it proved to work.

"Thank you. Have a good night." I replied, fixing my collar before I left the man in peace. A small smile spread its way across my face as it clued in as to what I'd just done. I'd stood up for myself like an adult would have in this situation.

"That's right, I'm not some seventeen-year-old schoolgirl from modern day London anymore." I thought proudly as I passed a mirror.

"I'm a young woman in the 1960's." I was tired after that, and I was satisfied with what I had accomplished. I was heading back up the stairs to my floor when a familiar figure caught my eye at the top of the floor.

"John? What are you doing out here?" I asked as I reached him. He saw me and looked like he was about to say the same thing.

"I'm not doing anything else until this problem with Brian is fixed." He said pointedly. I was scared for a moment as to what he intended to do, but I quickly regained my composure.

"No need, I handled it." I told him. He looked at me surprised.

"You handled it? What did you do?" He asked.

"I talked to him." I shrugged.

"Well if it was only that easy earlier..." He made a little joke and he seemed to relax.

"What did you say?" Was his next question. The two of us started walking toward the next staircase.

"Just that I didn't think I was a problem, he needed to see I was an ally and not an enemy and that you guys love me." I tacked on the last bit sort of as a joke.

"Jesus, you didn't really tell him we love you did you?" I couldn't discern if he was joking or not.

"Well some variation of that, yeah. I figured it was a winner to say to him otherwise. Why else would I be with you all for so long?" I dangled the bait, seeing if he was indeed kidding around. He cracked a smile finally.

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