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This chapter is dedicated to


Thanks for the support loves. ❤❤

Natasha's POV

You know that feeling when someone is gazing you continuously that you literally feel the intensity of their penetrating gaze on a part of your body, burning a hole? I am feeling that. Again. All through the gym class, I felt it.

I glanced back and saw Bea giving me a sinister smile. And it wasn't something small. She was upto something big. Her scrutinising gaze send shivers down my spine. Not a good one.

She wasn't controlling her expressions well. Her face screamed at me that she knew something which she shouldn't have. She saw something she shouldn't have. I have seen that expression before. Something Shraey used to give me everytime we were in one room. My past has again made an impression. It has again made an appearance. And for the first time, I was scared of Bea.

Whatever she saw, was related to me. And whatever is gonna happen, it's gonna be big.

The gym class was over and we went to change. I didn't see Zach in the class. He was obviously mad at me. I feel guilty for my behaviour with everyone. I will apologise. But first, I need to talk to Zach. I need to know he is fine. After all, it's my fault he left so furious.

I tried calling him but he didn't pick up. I called several times before finally giving up.  He wanted to ignore me. Fine. I won't bother him. Let him do whatever he want.

As I opened my locker, I felt something weird. It wasn't paranoia. I took my bag out only to see one of the chains was open. I never leave my bag open. I ruffled through the bag only to realise that my diary was missing. I checked the other chain but to no avail.

"No use of that Natasha. I have your biggest secret." I heard an all too familiar voice of Bea, whisper snarling in my ear from behind.

I felt my heart beat increasing and my body going numb at the same time. My breath came out in short pants.

What do I do now? How did she open my locker? How come she knows about the diary? What is she up to? Is she gonna black mail me? Is she gonna expose the diary?

All these questions clouded my mind. I turned around but not before making a poker face. I won't show her any weakness. I can control my emotions well. I have months of practice.

"What do you want Bea?" I asked blankly.

"Oh nothing. Just revenge. For everything." She snarled and gave a sickening smile.

"How do you plan on doing it?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out." She smirked and continued, "Anyways, your diary is interesting. So depressing. So sick. Why didn't you just die instead of torturing the diary?" She taunted.

"I don't believe you have my diary." I said shaking my head. I need to know where is it.

"Oh but I do."

"I don't believe you."

"Natasha, you think I'll show you. I am not a fool. I know what you are trying to do there." She scoffed.

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now