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Nikhil's POV

"Nikhil, I am done with the file. I checked it twice and they are good to go." Juliet said handing me the file we have to present as a record for tomorrow's assignment. I smiled at her. She is truly someone I want to get to know.

"Thanks." I said taking the file. I want to ask her out and I am really nervous. What if she says no? But she likes me so she will say yes. Right? I just hope.

"Uh Juliet. Um I just um, you know?" I stuttered. Fuck. Very nice Nikhil. Nice time to stutter.

"Uh I know what?" She asked confused.

"Ijustwantestoaskifyouwouldliketogooutonadatewithme?" I asked in one go. That went well.

"Uh what? Which language is that?" She asked biting her lip. Damn. Not a nice time Juliet.

"Uh English."

"Really? I didn't understand a word." She giggled cutely.

"Uh I just wanted to ask if you would like to go out on a date with me?" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"S-sure. I-I would l-love to." She said blushing.

"Really?" I asked still not sure if I heard correct.

"Yes Nikhil really." She laughed. I scooped her up and swirl her around.

"Thankyou." I said as I placed her back on the ground and kissed her cheek. She blushed furiously.

"So be ready at 7pm on this Saturday." I said tugging a hair strand behind her ear. She nodded.

"The library is gonna get closed. We should leave." I said grabbing my bags and the assignment material.

"Yeah. Let's get going." She replied and we moved out of the library. I walked her till the gates. I didn't want to leave but I have to.

She turned around gave a quick peck on the lips and ran away. I was surprisingly shocked. It was uncalled for but that mere second of her lips on mine had me wanting for more. I touched my lips where her lips was just a moment ago. I walked back to the boy's dormitory with a smile on my face.

Natasha's POV

I can't believe that Austin likes me. But when I think of all those hugs, his change of attitude towards me, the way he talked so nicely with me, it sums it up. It's hard to believe though. I never thought of him like that. I always saw him as someone who came up with lame pickup lines to use on me. He is a good friend.

I am feeling a little guilty. I don't know if I lead him on or not but that was never my intention. I like Zach and I am not confused about my feelings towards him.

I am attracted to him because I saw the same whirlwind of emotions in his eyes that he can see in mine. I let him in because I know, he is dealing with his own demons like me. We both somewhat understand each other without knowing what demons the other is fighting with.

I wish Sarah hadn't told me about it as now, I feel bad. I was finally a little happy with my decision and she had to drop the nuclear bomb on me. I know I am being selfish but after spending a long time in depression and nightmares, I was overcoming it and I was happy. I don't want anymore problems in my life. My mood was totally off. Sarah is back to normal with me. She is worried about Austin though. I understand her situation. I don't know how will I face him ever again after knowing that he has romantic feelings towards me. The bad and the harsh part is, I don't feel anything more than friendship towards him.

"Guess what?" Juliet yelled excitedly as she barged into the room.

"Uh you finished your assignment?" Sarah suggested lamely and I rolled my eyes.

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now