Opening Up

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I let myself into Owen's house.  He hasn't responded to any of my texts about the family meeting this afternoon, and that's unlike him.  I hear a grunt and hurry toward the sound. 

Once again, I'm floored by an unheard-of sight in his living room.  My friend is bare from the waist up and is covered in purple and green splotches.

"What in the world is going on?" I shout as I rush to take the arnica cream from him.  I get a closer look at the bruises and see that they aren't all new.  Some look a couple of days old already and a few look fresh.  "Owen, why does it look like you've been in a fight?" I demand.

He remains stoic as he announces, "Because I have." 

He's an idiot if he thinks I'll let him leave it there.  I rub the ointment into one of the newer ones a little harder than necessary and he hisses.  "Why, you fool, didn't you call me to check if you were okay?"  I push in on another one and he snatches the cream away from me.

"I don't need your help, Dr. Green.  I'm perfectly capable of taking care of things myself."

Oh hell no.

"Okay, Mr. Blackbourne," I spit out, "why are you getting into fights if you've got everything so under control."  I cross my arms. He flinches when I use the formal title and looks momentarily repentant.  He deflates and collapses onto the couch.

"Sean, it's killing me.  I can't let myself be soft around her or else I will ruin this mission for all of us.  It's too important, too many kids are relying on us getting it sorted out.  I can't be familiar with her even a little bit, or I'll mess it all up.  It's so hard to stay away, and it's only been three days."

I look at my friend and sigh.  "More than those kids are relying on you, dummy.  You still haven't told me where these bruises came from." 

He shakes his head.  "I needed an outlet.  I may have alluded to something inappropriate about Mr. Ravenstahl's mother."

I'm momentarily speechless and then furious.  "You've got to be kidding me!"  I smack him upside the head.  "What's going on under that thick skull, Owen?  You break Pookie's heart and then start mouthing off to insane Russians?  What about the other bruises?  Don't think that I didn't notice that they're older.  Who'd you pick a fight with for those?  An entire biker bar?"  I start pacing, trying to reign it in.  At this rate, he won't have to go looking for someone to beat on him because I'll volunteer.

He opens his mouth to say something and I shoot him a glare.  "Don't even bother trying to justify yourself, Owen.  I don't want to hear it.  You've got to get your act together.  You've been slacking in your duties.  Kota has been covering for you, but he's not prepared to take on that much responsibility, and he's not sleeping.  He and Victor have gotten the school wired and the cameras up.  He's been managing everyone's schedules, but he needs you to step up.  Erica hasn't seen him in days, and he is running on fumes.  Gabriel's spent the last few nights at Victor's because Pam has a new boyfriend that doesn't want a kid around.  North and Silas have football tryouts tomorrow and need direction from you.  Luke and Sang are a mess, and I don't even know if you deserve to know about her.  Things are happening and we need you, but you're too busy to be bothered.  Check your damn phone once in a while."  I throw an ice pack at him.  "Put yourself together and be at Nathan's in an hour.  Family meeting."

I storm out without letting him try to explain anything.


I watch Sean leave and process his words.  Of course, I've been neglecting my duties.  I can't stop thinking about My Love.  I rub at the center of my chest, trying to make my heart ache a little less.  I've been acting childish, brawling instead of working.  I pull on a clean shirt and search for a tie to go with.  I'll need to apologize to Raven, and to my team.  I pull out my phone and check my messages.

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