The villagers bowed as they passed and whispered and some cheered.

"It seems you have a very respected group here m'lady," Yoshiro states looking straight ahead, Sayuri tilted her head at him in confusion. "They cherish you, all of them look at you with nothing but the utmost respect. I can tell just by the gleam in their eyes if the time were come to it," he looked at her now, " they'd give their life for you."

She turned away and grazed over the crowd, "Yes.... and I would do whatever it takes to protect them, give my life.... my arms, my mind, my soul and my... happiness, "she paused for a moment than offered him a closed eye smile as she does to everyone, as her hands tighten around the reins. Yoshiro stared at her with different expressions passing through his face. "Well what shall we M'lord?"

"I suppose sightseeing will do me just fine."

"Very well," Sayuri nods and so they  wondered around on their horses chatting about various things, the kingdom, the people, the Land of Light, and things they liked and didn't such as food and colors. Soon they dismounted their horses and walked in and out of shops, tea stands and pastry shops and bakery's.

They ate bean paste buns and drank jasmine teas, went through the library and book stores and through the weapon stores. Later, a couple hours before the sun would set, they went to Yoshiros camp to meet up with his mother.

Once Sayuri and Yoshiro got to the camp they were confronted by a young look woman with blonde that was tied back in a bun and pale green eyes with a cheerful smile on her fair skin, Queen Akilla. 

" It's such a please to meet you Queen Sayuri, I've heard so many things about you! All good of course!" She bowed her head to Sayuri as Sayuri curtsied.

"The pleasure is all mine Queen Akilla," She smiled, "You have raised great son who I am sure is just as great of a King to Hikari."

"Oh you flatter us to much! Be careful with your words dear you may raise my sons ego higher than it all ready is, ahohohoho!" she laughed loudly.

Sayuri covered her mouth with a hand to quiet her laugh as to not disrespect King Yoshiro who only sweat dropped, grumbling "Mother...."

"Oh, sorry son did I embarrass you," she waved her hand at him than looked to Sayuri seeing that she had laughed, "I'll embarrass you as much as I won't Yoshi! As long as I get to see someone smile from it, and M'dear Sayuri you have a stunning smile."

Sayuri blushed slightly turning her eyes shyly to the ground, "Thank you."

"Ahohohoho! Such a cute girl! Yoshi you better win her heart, I want cute grand children!" Now both Sayuri's and Yoshiros faces turned red as the made sure not to make eye contact with one another, Queen Akilla strutted away cackling as she went.

After a long pause Sayuri broke the silence with a reassuring smile, red still dusted across her face. "Well shall I meet the rest of your company? It'll be dark soon, I'm sure they'll be fixing dinner soon and you and whoever may want to join are invited, if you wish."

"Very well.... I'm sure my mother would want to go," he sighed tiredly just thinking of the ways his mother would embarrass him.

The two started to walk to the rest of the group when Sayuri turned to her guards, "If you two want you may go back to your homes, I'm sure you're wives and children would like to see you sometime tonight," Sayuri nodded to them.

"Are you sure my Queen, it'll be dark soon." 

"I'm sure, plus I won't be alone, King Yoshiro and Queen Akilla will be dinning with me tonight and I don't think we'll get in any trouble so it's alright." They bowed thanking her and left.

Discontinued: To Be A Queen (Naruto Shippuden Fanfiction/ Kakashi's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now