"yeah sure." I hope we like the same stores. "Well what stores do you like to shop at?" My favorite store is Forever 21. "I like Hollister, Rue 21, Delias, Journeys, Tilly's, Urban Outfitters, oh and my favorite store is Forever 21. Basically those stores.

" Wow we both love Forever 21 I like her even more. "We legit like the same stores! Ok lets go!" We snuck out the back incase there were some left over fans. When we got to the mall we were both dying to go to Forever 21 so we went there first.

"So what do you want to get? I said looking at a shirt with tupac on it. "Wait your actually gonna buy me stuff, I thought we were just here to look." she was so excited. "Haha yeah silly, its my treat. Its not like I don't have a shit load of money to spend!" Its true I have so much money I don't need. "Umm, haha hey Dem can I get this?" Oh my god!

I turned around to see what Alex was asking for and when I looked their was a huge corner of a bunch of shirts, sweaters, necklaces, and bracelets a lot of other things about me. Sarah was pointing to a phone case that said

"Keep Calm and be a Lovatic" "haha wow that's a lot of shit with my face on it. Its kinda weird. Oh and yeah sure just put it in the bag." I said still trying to process all this stuff. "Thanks Dem." "no problemoo"

I loved that she called me Dem it was like I don't know I just liked it.

"Hey Alex lets make a deal?" I said getting her attention. "What?" she seemed shooken. "I will let you get anything you want in the Demi section if you agree to atleast try and let me help you.

" I sighed hoping she would agree. 'Demi, I-i dont know." she said getting worried. "Alex trust me, I want to help you." I just want to help her so bad. "O-ok I could use some new Demi apperal" she said smiling.

I knew that she was faking a smile becuase i could see the tears forming in her eyes. Ugh I felt happy should would atleast try and let me help her though. After we got done shopping we headed back to my tour bus.

Alex's POV

Wow I cant believe Demi actually bought me anything I wanted from the store. I guess she really will do anything to help me.

"Hey Alex since were most likely gonna get reallly bored because we have to stay on this bus for like 3 hours lets use it to get to know each other better." Demi said smiling.

"Okay Dem 1) I am a lovatic trapped in a tour bus with my idol I dont think I'll get bored, 2) once again Im a lovatic I pretty much know everything about you! its kinda my job as a lovatic." I said laughing. 'Okay smarty pants is you know everything about me lets have a little Demi quiz, you up for a challenge?" she said smirking. Demi didnt know what she was getting into. I knew everything about her, like everything. "Haha bring it on Dem" Oh gawd this is gonna be so easy. "Okay whats my favorite color?"

"Easy black, but you say in interviews that if your on of those people that thinks black isnt a color then red." I said smirking. "Ok well that one was easy but lets make it a but harder.

Whats my birthday? Day, month, year, and place of birth!" Wow she thought these questions were hard? Typical Demi. "Can this be any easier Demi, month-august, day-20th, year-1992, and place-Alburquerque New Mexico!" I said winking. "Wow your good!" We both laughed.

"Umm, ok whats all my siblings names, how old are they, and how many do I have?" Hahaha way easy. "You have 2 siblings, both girls, Dallas Lovato and Madison De La Garza. Madison is 11 adn Dallas is 25!" I said cracking up because Demi was in shock at how quickly I answered.

I didnt even have to think about it I just answered.

"DAMN your pretty good. Last question but this might be tuffy!" "Ok Dem im sure it is!" I was loving this Demi quiz. "Ugh watever just answer, how many tattoos do I have?" Geez Im just glad this is the last question cause this quiz is to easy. "Simple, 24!"

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