Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Oh nothing, just teasing Ashley." George spoke up.

"Well that's not very nice." He replied, looking at me. I felt my heart skip a beat. What was going on with me?

"I don't mind." I replied, weakly. My gaze met his and I got butterflies.

"Stop it. This is insane, this is absolutely crazy! You can't deal with this; he has to know..." I thought. But what could I say to him so that he'd understand that nothing could happen between us?

"Hi yeah, listen, I'm your granddaughter's best friend and if we got together, it might endanger her whole existence..." Did I want to sound like a mental patient? Even if he did believe me, that would be me divulging things about a future that technically hadn't happened yet! This time travel stuff was so backwards and complicated...

"Where's the Doctor when you need him?" I thought, only half joking. Of course thinking about that, it got me thinking about everything else. Why I was here, John's inevitable murder only a decade and a bit away from now... how I might never get home again and live out my life 50 years before I was even supposed to exist... I started feeling dizzy again.

"Oh great, not this again..." I stood from my spot as steadily as I could.

"Ashley? Are you okay?" George asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a know to stretch my legs." I said, smiling as normally as I could. I avoided Paul's glance as I turned on my heel and briskly walked from the room. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears again as I just kept moving forward.

"Breathe Ash, you're getting too worked up..." I don't think I'd ever had so many panic attacks before.

"Well to be fair, all of this is basically impossible to begin with..." I muttered to myself. Things were fine, I was on tour with the boys, John and I were making nice, I was having a lot of fun...and suddenly I wasn't.

"He can't like me...seriously, he's supposed to be involved with Jane Asher by now and John is supposed to be married..." I started feeling clammy. I was interfering with how history was supposed to go, and now that Paul apparently liked me, who knows how much worse this was screwing things up?

"Maybe I've already endangered Sienna's history or her existence at all..." I thought worriedly as I found the ladies room and stood facing the mirror. I was still in my brunette disguise wig and I'd done my makeup according to how it was done in the sixties. I barely recognized myself.

"This is crazy." I repeated for the hundredth time. I removed the wig and let my black hair tumble down around my shoulders.

"For God's sake, Ash. Pull yourself together." I mumbled, burying my face in my hands. I had to tell Paul something... something that wouldn't break his heart. That would be rather difficult. I mean, he knew I was from the future, but that was it. Would it be crazy if I just told him everything?

"Yes, you can't tell him any of that." I thought. But what was the real harm if he knew that I knew him in my future?

"Um...he'd think you were crazy!" My mind yelled. But would he really? I mean, the guy met me wandering around London like I'd been struck with amnesia and believed my tale about being from the year 2015. Who's to say what else he'd believe?

"Besides, it's not like I'm telling him everything. He can know that I know his granddaughter, then maybe he'll be waiting for her when she finally arrives." I thought. I'd wait till after the show to talk to him though, I didn't want to dump all of that on him before he had to go onstage. I nodded to myself in the mirror.

"This'll be okay." I said to myself, taking a deep breath and feeling my nerves calm. I fixed the wig back onto my head and exited the bathroom.

"There you are." A voice startled me and I turned to see none other than Paul himself. I bit my lip, suddenly second guessing my decision.

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