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I awakened the next morning in Jeremiah's arms. I pecked his lips before slipping from his arms. That's when I realized that I wasn't in my room or in his. I recalled the party last night. I also recalled Jeremy and I's first time. I smiled slightly at the thought before seeing what time it was. 8am. "Fuck," I whispered. I then felt a presence on the bed shift before feeling a pair of lips trailing up my spine. "Good morning," Jeremy spoke quietly. "Good morning," I smiled slightly. "Last night..." he started off. I turned to look at him. "Last night was the best night of my life," he spoke before kissing my forehead. "Me too," I agreed... With that, we began getting dressed. "You walkin' real funny, Baby girl," Jeremy bit his lip at me while putting his shoes on. "I am not," I rolled my eyes playfully. "Okay," he chuckled. Once we were dressed, we made our way through the house that had people still passed out in it from the previous night and into Jeremy's Jeep. "Okay... I'll just tell my mom I just fell asleep over your house," I sighed, brainstorming excuses for arriving home at 9:00 in the morning. "That's convincing. I mean, you've done it before," Jeremy nodded. "But, you said I walk funny. What if she notices?" I inquired. "Take your time with walking," he replied. "Thanks," I smiled slightly. He pulled up to my home before parking and looking into my eyes. "I love you," he spoke. "I love you too," I smiled slightly. He kissed my lips before I got out of the Jeep. I approached my front door and stepped inside. "Safaree!" my mother cried from the kitchen. She ran to me and hugged me tightly. "Are you okay? Where have you been?" she inquired. "I was over Jeremy's house. We were watching a movie, and I fell asleep," I answered. My mother eyed me suspiciously before asking me a question. "Did you and Jeremy have sex?" My eyes widened before I shook my head. "No," I answered. She eyed me for a bit longer before speaking again. "Okay... Breakfast is almost ready. Shower up," she told me. I nodded as she walked back into the kitchen. I walked quickly to my room. I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of boxers and an oversized t-shirt. I made my way to the table, where Serene and my mother were already seated and eating.

Serene smirked as I began eating. "And, where were you last night, Little Miss Sl--." "Serene," my mother growled, giving Serene a knowing look. Serene rolled her eyes as we began eating. My mother eventually finished eating before leaving the room. It was just Serene and I. "So... How was the sex?" Serene smirked. "What?" I raised an eyebrow. "You know what I'm talking about... It's obvious you and Jeremy had sex," she replied. "And, just how is it obvious?" I asked. "The way you walk and the glow you have," she simply answered. I rolled my eyes. "How was it?" she asked. "Excuse me?" I gave her a stank face. "You heard me," she smirked. "I'm neither confirming or denying whether Jeremy and I had sex last night, alright? Even if I would, why would I tell you?" I asked. She simply smiled before throwing away her empty paper plate. "Just know that I'm keeping a close eye on you, Safaree," she spoke before leaving the kitchen. I rolled my eyes before looking down at my remaining food. "I just lost my appetite," I mumbled before throwing away my plate. The doorbell then rang. "I got it!" I called, standing from my seat. I opened the front door, and as soon as I did, arms were wrapped around my waist. Lips were on mine before I was picked up and spun around. I giggled as I put down. "I missed you," Jeremy said, his forehead touching mine. I smiled while touching his cheek. "Aww!" I heard. Jeremy and I both looked over to see my mother smiling with her hand over her heart. Jeremy smiled before approaching my mother. "Good morning, Ma," he hugged her. "Good morning, Jeremy. Are you hungry?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm starving," he smiled. "Well, come on. I'm going to fix you a plate," she motioned him to follow her...

Once he had a plate, I sat across from him. "You get home safe?" I asked. He nodded before sipping a glass of orange juice. "I got home, and you know, my mom asked me where I had been... I told her I was over here," he spoke. I nodded. "What did she say?" I asked. "Nothin'," he answered before continuing to eat. I looked out of the window, realizing that the window itself looked cold. "It's getting cold outside," I spoke. "Oh, yeah. I nearly froze my ass off outside," he agreed. "Maybe if you stop wearing summer wear, you wouldn't be so cold," I smirked. He smiled slightly before sipping his juice again. Serene came into the kitchen, an automatic smirk slipping onto her face once she saw Jeremy. I mean mugged her. "Well, good morning, Jeremiah!" she cheerfully greeted, catching him a bit by surprise. "Oh, hey, Serene. How are you?" he stood from his seat. "I'm fine," she answered, smiling at me as he hugged her. "Oh, how nice of you to hug people who've just waken up and don't feel like being touched," she smiled, obviously being sarcastic. Jeremy sat back down. I could tell he was a bit irritated by her sarcasm, but I knew he was ready for whatever was coming his way. "So... How was it having sex with Safaree?" she asked, sitting at the table. "It was the best time of my life," he answered, not looking at her while picking up a strip of bacon. "Oh, really now? Were you a virgin before you--." "Nah, I just stuck my dick in whatever I could find until I found her," he sarcastically answered while looking intensively at Serene. "Oh, interesting... So, was it in anyway special? Rose petals--." "Yeah, I did all the corny shit. I had the rose petals on the bed and the champagne out. Only thing I didn't have were condoms. So, I had to run out and get some more 'cause you know.. I fuck everything with a skirt on," he sarcastically answered with a straight face. I smiled slightly at his comebacks. "So--." "Let me guess, you're taking notes for your boyfriend... or, did you run him off with your never-ending, bitch made questions?" Jeremy asked. Serene mean mugged him before getting up from the chair. "Watch your back," she told him while leaving the room. "I'll watch my back when you wash your weave," he called. I let out the laughter I was holding in. "That girl can never leave people be," he muttered while continuing to eat. "I love you," I smiled. "I love you too," he smiled slightly, taking my hand into his...

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