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The next morning, I awakened to a repeated beating by pillows. "Mother, pleasee," I groaned, pulling the bed covers over my head even more. The covers were yanked from my hold with such a force that I knew it wasn't my mother. I knew that it wasn't even a female.. I looked up at the person, seeing Jeremy with a wide smile. I smiled slightly before punching him in the uncasted arm. "How'd you get in my room?" I inquired. "Ma let me in, and I told her I wanted to be the one to wake you up," he smiled. "Well, I'm up, so mission accomplished," I replied while slipping out of bed. I went into the bathroom, where I unpinned my hair and brushed my teeth. I returned to my room to see Jeremy sitting on the already made bed. "Come here," he motioned me over. I stood in front of him as his hands rested on my hips. He looked up at me before smiling. "How'd you sleep last night?" he asked. "Fine," I answered. "How'd you sleep last night?" I inquired. "Good.. until my momma found me on the floor while shirtless. She thought I overdosed on some shit," he smiled. I smiled back. "I bet you had a good laugh," I spoke. "You don't even know," he chuckled. "Have you had your cast signed yet?" I asked. "Nope," he shook his head. I went in a drawer of my nightstand and found a Sharpie. I took his hand into mine before writing my name on his cast. He smiled up at me. "You write like such a girl," he chuckled. "I am a girl, just in case you didn't know, Jeremy," I replied. He smiled and laughed. I put the Sharpie where it belonged before he pulled me close. "J. Stop," I giggled, turning my face from him. "Muah, muah, muah," he kissed my cheek as if I were a baby. I laughed almost uncontrollably before we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We looked over at the doorway of the room to see Serene with a smirk on her face, a raised eyebrow, and folded arms. "Ma said that breakfast is ready," she simply spoke. "Cool," Jeremy spoke before hopping up from the bed. "Come on," he took my hand into his and led me past Serene and into the kitchen. "You got room for one more, Ma?" he asked my mother with a smile. "Of course, Jeremy," she answered. We sat down at the table, Jeremy taking what's usually Serene's spot. Our plates were placed in front of us before we began eating. 

Serene eventually walked into the kitchen, glaring at Jeremy for a split second because of him taking her seat. She took the seat next to Momma after making herself a plate of food. "So, Jeremy... Do you have a job?" my mother spoke. I looked up at my mother with wide eyes before Jeremy answered. "Yes, Ma'am. I do." "Well, what is it that you're doing right now?" she inquired. I looked down at my plate. "Come on, Jeremy. Lie if you have to," I thought, continuing to look at my food. "I, uh, assist with pharmaceuticals," he answered. "Hell yeah!" I internally cheered. I looked up at Jeremy with a smile. He winked at me flirtatiously. "So, you want to be a pharmacist?" my mother inquired. "I guess you could say that," he smiled... After breakfast, Jeremy and I returned to my room. "That was a good answer you gave," I told him as he sat on my bed. "I know... I've got a way with words," he replied. "Oh, you do, huh?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Yeah... I write poetry, you know," he nodded. "For real?" I asked. "Yeah... I might let you read some of it some day," he smiled slightly before lying back on my bed. He looked up at my wall, reading the quote that was above the headboard. "Life goes on pimpin'. The wise don't doubt it." He smiled slightly as I lied on my stomach, next to him. "You like Frank Ocean, huh?" he inquired. "Yeah, he's cool," I answered. 

Jeremy licked his lips at me before looking the pajamas I had on. Just as yesterday, I had on an oversized t-shirt and a pair of boxers. The only difference was a different pair of boxers and a different t-shirt. "I might as well go ahead and give you some of my shirts now. You're going to be wearing them anyway," he spoke. "What makes you so sure?" I asked. "Just call me psychic," he smiled. I giggled. After a moment of silence, I spoke again. "What was the excuse you gave your mom when she found you on the floor shirtless, last night?" I inquired. "I told her that a girl was over," he answered. "And, what'd she do?" I asked. "She got mad, Safaree," he smirked at the thought. "She was like, "I don't need you bringing these fast girls into my house, and you better not be getting no girls pregnant!", and blah blah blah," he continued. "That's it?" I asked. "No... I explained to her that you weren't like that, and that I really like you, and that we weren't doing anything really crazy with each other," he answered. "What'd she say?" I inquired. "She kind of.. sort of.. maybe just a little bit--." "Jeremy!" I cried, just wanting him to cut to the chase. "She wants to meet you," he spoke quietly. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah," he nodded. 

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