Chapter 18

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I hid behind the van like Evan told me to. Once I saw him fly into the small building I heard shouts,

"He's flying! Get him! Don't let him get away!!" Next thing I knew, a group comes running after him. He flew out and kept flying towards a tree above past me.

"Go now!" He yells. That's my cue.

I sneak in making sure no one was left behind and made my way down what seems to be a narrow hall.

"Psst. Austin?" I whispered.

"Can you hear me?" I said a little louder.

"Becks! Over here!" His whispering came from behind me. I turned facing a locked door,

"What the fuck? How am I going to get you out?" I asked when my eyes landed on the big lock chained around the door.

"The key is right behind you!" He rolled his eyes. I turned back and looked to my left... there it was the big o' key.

"Pfft. I knew that." I walked my way over there and took the key off of the rack. Once I got the door to unlock he ran out and got a hold of my hand,

"Let's go she'll be back in any minute!" He says as he leads me deeper into the hall.

"Who? Kristen? She's gone!" I whispered to him.

"Wait, really?" He stops in his tracks and faces me,

"Yeah, they ran after Evan when he volunteered as bait." I said.

"Oh... what do we do know?" He asks.

"We have to get out of here before we both get caught." I said, I began to ran back down the hall and out the door.

"Where do we go now?" He asks.

"Just keep running into the forest if anything, Evan and I know where to find you. Just keep an ear out, we have to split up here so that way I can lure them away. Good luck!" I then sprinted into the woods, and began to look for Evan.

"Evan!" I yelled out.

"Becks!" He yells back, surprisingly I heard him to the left from where I was.

"Where did the group go?" I asked.

"I led them down the road about 3 miles from here." He smiles.

"Haha, that's my bro alright." I laughed.

"Where's Mr. Austin, Texas?" He asks.

"We split up, I tol-"


"Hey! I just thought it was a good idea to split up once I got him out!" I said.

"BAD IDEA!" He ran his fingers through his hair and flashes away to search for him. Ugh! Why am I always the one to mess everything up?

Evan got up and spun into his bat form then began to fly towards the direction Austin had gone to. I flew right behind my brother and searched for Austin on the ground,

"Do you see him?" I asked.

"No, I don't." He replies.

"We're going to have to split up again. You go to one side and I'll go to the next." I sigh.

"Alright. This time meet me at Pucton Park if you are not there in 10 minutes I will go find you both." He says before he flew away in front of me.

I searched for Austin from above, where could he be? I swooped down for a closer look but nothing. I decided to change back into my human form and once I did, I began searching for him on foot since the coast was clear.

******Austin's P.o.v.******
"Austin!" I hear a voice come from above me.

"Evan ?" I asked. He flew down and shifted into his mortal form,

"Is Rebbeca with you?" He asks.

"No. I thought she was with you.." I said.

"Well we parted away to find you and I don-"

"Evan!" I hear Becky say.

"Becky! I thought you got lost!" I said hugging her.

"No, I did for a minute but I heard your voice and followed the trail." She smiles.

"We have to get out of here." I told them.

"And go where?! Neverland? They will find us. They have been following my brother and I for years way before our mom died." She explained.

"So what now? You guys have never defeated these hunters before?" I asked.

"Not on our own and if we did would you think we'd be in this situation?" She argues.

"Wait! Stop arguing I have an idea but first we have to stop flying and get a car so we can disguise ourselves with humans." Evan says. Rebbeca looks at him and quickly shifts her eyes to the ground.

"He's right. Let's go." She began to walk East and we followed behind her.

"So what is your plan, Ev?" she asks picking up a wooden stick and poking the ground with it.

"Raquel." he murmurs. Rebbeca snapped her neck at him and sped up to him with wide eyes.

"No." She glared. Her voice was so full of hate and dark... I have never heard that from her before, to think that I was the one she hated the most I guess this "Raquel" person is at a tie with me.

"I already have him to deal with and her too?" Her voice cracks but she shook it off.

"I know and I am so sorry Becks but that is the only way out of this mess." He tells her before bringing her into a hug. 

"I'm lost, who's Raquel?" I asked ruining their little heart-to-heart moment.

"UGH! Well wouldn't you like to know! When do you not get into my personal life?!" She pulls away from Evan and throws her hands down to her hips.

"Well it's not really personal if you bring it up right in front of me!" I argued back.

"You know what?" She points her finger at me and gets closer,

"I hate you. Why don't you just go home and let us fight our own battles. We don't need someone's ass to be saving all the time!" 

"Too bad. I am here and it is a little too late to go back now. So why don't you shut the fuck up while Evan here explains who Raquel is alright?" I clenched my jaw tight. This girl is really annoying me. 

"Raquel is another vampire but she's really good at taking care of the hunters.. it's her family business. No one ever dares to trace her down because she is every hunter's nightmare and if you don't fear her as a hunter then she will make sure of that. She has lots of tricks up her sleeve and some she got away with..." He motioned his head to Rebbeca as she stares at a rock.

"What did she do?" He asks.

"Nothing. Now let's get going." She says. 


After an hour of searching for her hideout we had finally found it. 





//////////A\N\\\\\\\\\\\: Here is another update. Hope you all like it ! Please vote and comment your thoughts! <3

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