Chapter 17

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****After the whole story****

"So that's exactly what had happened?" He asked with a stern look on his face.

"I had no idea what was going on. I was scared myself and I hate my dad for what he had done." Austin swore.

"Alright then... and you want to help?" Evan says.

"Yes, I do." He responded.

"Fine with me." Evan says before he disappears to his room.

"What's up with him?" Austin turns to me.

"He just recieved the full story of what had happened to our mother, he's reacting how I am. Just he's more secure about it." I said.

"Oh.. makes sense."

"Yeah and we have to come up with a plan before Kristen and her gang show up here." I said as I got up from the couch and walked into the hallway, I turn back to see Austin looking at me.

"Are you coming or not?"

"Oh... yeah." He stands up and follows me.

***A few hours later***

"So that's the plan?" Austin asks.

"Yeah, if you have changed your mind about it then it's fine. You can leave." I said.

"No, I'm not leaving. I'm going to stay and help you guys out." He says.

"Let's change this part because Kriste-"

"She's here!!" I whispered interrupting Evan. How did I know that? I could smell her cheap perfume from a mile away.

"Go out through this way! Dad made a hidden exit here!" He whispers. We headed out through the hidden door that was behind the chalk board.

"Go! Go! They can get up here any second now!" Evan whispers. Austin got out first then it was me and lastly him.

"Alright where to now?" I asked.

"Where we are going to starting the plan! What we talked about!" Evan says.

"Wait you said we needed to change something-"

"GO OUTSIDE I THINK THEY'RE OUT THERE STILL!" Kristen's shouts interrupted me. I grabbed Austin quickly,

"Hold on tight." Evan and I quickly flashed back into the school. When we got there I let go of Austin's hand,

"So back to the plan, what were you going to change?" I asked my brother who took a deep sigh.

"I was going to change the part where we use him as bait." Evan looks over at Austin.

"Was going to? You mean you are going to."

"Well not anymore, it's a good idea. He's the one who wanted to help and this is the only way we can get into the VHL."

"VHL?" Austin asks.

"Vampire Hunter Lair." I said.

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