Chapter 10

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I woke up I believe it was around 5 o'clock because the sun was setting down. I quickly got up and met up with Austin in the gym. When I got there I saw him asleep on the wrestling mat, I silently grabbed a dumbbell with my left hand and began to count to ten lifting it up and down. As soon as I got to 5 I heard mumbling coming from the idiot on the floor.

"No! Dad! Stop!" He mumbled.

"IT WASN'T HER FAULT!" He screamed which caused him to wake up from his sleep. I looked at him weirdly and asked,

"What was that all about?"

"Oh.. you're here. T-That was nothing just a bad dream that's all." He said getting up from the gym floor.

"Mhm.. you know it helps when you talk about it." I said with curiousity. He shot me a look,

"And you all of a sudden care because..?"

"I'm just saying.. sheesh." I said going back to finish off my workout.

"Whatever." He said. When I was done I got down on my knees and went into push-up position.

"1..2..3..4.." I counted out loud. I heard a giggle behind me,

"Cute butt." I hear Austin say. I rolled my eyes and said,

"Can you stop checking me out, creep."

"I wasn't even checking you out! You're butt was in my face!" He protested.

"Sure whatever." I said as I go down for the fifth push-up.

"Why do you even exercise?" He asks.

"To stay fit, why else?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"You know most girls aren't like that, they're scared to even break a sweat." He said. I got up and glared at him,

"You know what?! I'm not like most girls okay! I'm way different from them and you know one of the many reasons why."

"Oh because you're a vampire ? But that's only one thing why you're not a normal person." He said.

"You don't get it. I'm never going to get old and I'm never going to ever have wrinkles. So if I'm going to be looking like a teen for the rest of my life I wouldn't want to look like a fat one, I'd want to still fit into clothes I like. So can you shut the fuck up and stop asking or saying anything about me? Thank you." I snapped.

"Sorry. I just have loads of questions." He says.

"Like what?!" I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to shut up until I answer his stupid questions. He sat criss-crossed apple-sauce on the gym floor.

"Who turned you?" Was the first question. I sighed once again and sat across from him.

"I was born half human and half vamp. My father pressured me into being like him... a vampire. He took me on my first hunt I was about seven or eight in these cabins in some forest. He taught me that human blood is the key to turn into a beautiful monster since I was young and I didn't know what that meant I still went for it to make my dad happy. We were looking for someone and I didn't know who.. when he showed me how to attack an adult without getting hurt and touched. When we found the guy I did as I was told and attacked him when the time was right. My father made me hold him down and my father sank his teeth into his neck. I was scared to death. I didn't know he meant that I thought this was all a game.. especially since I was young it haunted me ever since. My dad told me I had to do that to become a beautiful monster... I cried and told him I didn't want to do it. So he waited till I turned 16.. he talked me into it and I ended up drinking human blood. It all happened so fast I didn't know what exactly happened but I became a full vampire. So no one turned me... I just finished was had to be done." I said.

"Wow.... so what is up with the bat sign on your wrist?" He asked.

"My father forced me to get it done at the cabins. He knew people who did them... its a group of people who have them I guess we're some kind of vampire gang aha.. that's why when I saw yours I thought you were a vamp too." I said.

"No... my father was the same. He made me get it done but I don't want to talk about it." he said. I pulled him by his wrist and looked at his tattoo. It was way different from mine... I know why but I'm not going to say that I do.

"Come on.... please Austin. I told you a bit about mine." I said trying to persuade him to tell me what he knows.

"Fine." He sighs.

"When I was 9 he made me get the bat tatted. It hurt like hell, of course I cried but that was the only way my dad would be proud of me. After a few days he told me that I would be the son he's always wanted, a son who would be a lot like him. I never knew what he meant by that.. but before he could explain it to me well he died when I was 10. My mom decided to never talk about him after that.. I don't know if it was because she was angry or if she was hurt. Anyway..... yeah that is how I got my bat tattoo." He said.

"You don't know how he died?" I asked. He shook his head and looked away, I can sense he was about to cry. I sighed... this boy knows nothing about what exactly happened. He knows nothing about what his dad did or was doing. He's innocent.

I updated. I'm sorry if it sucked... I'll update another chapter right now thank you for your comments and votes, most of all thank you for reading my fanfics, chipmunks. <3

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