Chapter 9

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*******Becky's P.o.v.*******
I've been in here for two days now since I wouldn't talk. No, of course I'm not telling him. Why? Because he killed my own mother! He'll try and kill me too! I need to get out of here, I used all of my strength to break through the ropes that were tied around my wrists. The door swung open so I calmed down and focused on slipping my hands through the ropes in the meanwhile.

"So, two days? Still not going to talk?" He asks taking a seat in front of me. I looked the other way avoiding eye contact with him,

"What do you want me to say? You're the one who thinks I'm a freaking vampire. I think you're going insane." I said. Within a few seconds I said that he slammed his hands on the table next to me,


"Austin. Calm the fuck down! I don't need you yelling at me and being mad at me for this even when it's not even my fault most of it is yours!" I said feeling my eyes water, thinking about what he did to my mother.

"Rebbeca! Why are you crying now?! I didn't fucking do anything to you! All I want to know is how you turned into a vamp and how long have you been a vampire for?" He asks. Should I just tell him or should I keep my mouth shut once again... fuck I'm going to have to tell him. I can't stand being here tied up and I need to feed again.

"Fine. I was turned into a vampire on my 15th birthday, I've been getting used to hiding the secret from the world but now you know. Also now I've been a vampire for 1 year." I sighed.

"So what was all that about earlier when you saw the bat on my arm?" He asks.

"Don't even go there I told you what you wanted to hear now let me go. I don't need to tell you everything.. when I'm ready to tell you then I'll tell you." I said.

"Alright, I'll let you go now." He says getting up and slipped his knife through the ropes that were tied around my wrists. I got up really quickly and ran out of the dark room. What? I need to feed! I ran to the back of the gym and looked for a nice juicy rat. Once I found it I caught it with my bare hands and sank my fangs into its stomach. As soon as I gained my energy back I ran back to Austin,

"Sorry, I needed to feed. You kept giving me nasty crap." I said.

"It's okay, anyways what are you up to now?" He asks.

"Honestly, all I want to do is sleep right now. You don't sleep comfortable tied up to a chair."

"Alright well I'm heading to the gym for a workout I'll see you later." He says before he leaves.

Oh.. you think because I told you who I really am that you'll get away from the part you held me hostage? Haha you're funny, Austin. Just wait till what I have planned for you, for revenge, for my mother, and revenge for those two days you had me tied up. You'll see. Once he was gone I made myself comfortable on the floor and before I knew it I fell asleep.





///////////A\N\\\\\\\\: HAI CHIPMUNKS!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been active and uploading in a long time but you know lots of stuff going on I'm still not settled into the new house my parents bought yet so I still need a bit more time. Also, I'm going to be uploading this week on my stories as much as I can so I don't feel like I'm letting you down. I love you guys! Thanks for still voting and reading my books! You guys are the best! <3

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