Chapter 2

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***********Around 5 p.m.**************

I was listening to music until my phone rung, 

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Becks, are you going to Loah's party the last week of summer? I know that it's not till the last week but I'm asking so my parents and I can come back earlier to go if you're going." Emma asks.

"Oh, I almost forgot about the party! Yeah I'm going." I said flipping through the magazine I had in my hands.

"Oh okay do you remember what day it is so I can come back the week before, I would ask Vanessa but she's not responding to my calls right now she's out with Villanueva. I roll my eyes to that name because that's one of Austin's best friends, 

"Alright let me just get the invitation hold on just a sec." I said as I stood up and walked over to my bag, I looked through everything and I couldn't find it.

"Ugh. Emma I can't find it but I believe its on July 27th." I said.

"Oh okay thanks but remember you need your invitation in order to get in." Emma says.

"Really? Where's your invitation?" I asked.

"Back at my house inside 'the notes' box. I forgot to bring it with me so that's why I have to go back a week before so I can get my stuff but I needed to know when it was." She says.

"Oh okay I get it now... where could I have put my invitation?" I said.

"I don't know- wait didn't you receive it at school like Vanessa and I? Where did you put it at after?" Emma asks.

"Loah gave it to me during Music class then I put it in my binder- fuck.. I left it in my locker at school!!" I groaned.

"Go and get it the school doesn't open during break! Today's the last day and it closes at 7! What time is it over there?" She asks, I look over at my alarm clock. 

"5:30! I think I have enough time to get there and get it right?" I asked.

"Then go! I'll talk to you later! Just don't get caught by any of the staff!" She says before she hung up. I got dressed into navy blue sweats and a white top with a navy blue sweater, it looks like an outfit I would wear to go jogging. I run down the stairs and found my brother Evan watching tv.

"Evan I'm going back to school I need to get an invitation from my locker I'll be back in 10!" I said.

"Alright go just don't get caught!" He says before I leave. I walked half of my way there I really am not in the mood to go running even though I could've gotten there fast. I put my hood on to cover my face I zipped my sweater all the way up, I need that invitation I need to go to that party. When I got there I ran straight to my locker and put my combination in I opened it to find that nothing was there besides my textbooks. 

"No! Oh no! Ugh! They probably already took my stuff to the janitor's room!" I whispered to myself.

 I quickly looked both way before walking into a place, I can't get caught either or I'll be written down for suspension next year! I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was already 6. I need that invitation and then I'll leave! I ran up the set of stairs and looked both ways into the hall way making sure no one was there but there was two janitors. They're the ones who drag you by force to the principal's office for the write down if they see you after school hours. I took one small step but the floor creaked a bit which made them turn around and see me, my eyes widened and I ran for it. I heard the footsteps coming after me but I was too fast for them to catch up to I ran out to the campus and found a hiding spot. After that I didn't hear anything else but quietness, I can't just stay in this one spot forever I need to do something fast to get my invitation back and go! 

*A few minutes later* 

There was too many janitors outside picking up trash its been like this for about 20 minutes! I know I get that you want to make our school clean and stuff but can't you guys just take a break so I can run my ass over to the janitor's room to get my invitation back? Ugh! As soon as I saw a path clearing up that lead back to the main building I made a fast run for it, they'll think it's a fly or something they won't really see me. As soon as I made it back on to the set of stairs I was on earlier I quickly ran up again but this time the janitors were gone and all of the lights were out. Good thing my phone has a flashlight! I turned my phone's flashlight on and aimed it at the janitor's room I turned the knob but it won't open. This might take a while.. I grab my hair pin and used my nail to pick lock it once I put the hair pin a little bit more in, I twisted my nail and then the door flew open. I ran to the desk pilled up with all of our trash and binders I digged looking for mine but I didn't see it in that pile. I sighed and turned to my left seeing there was more piles. I groaned,

"This is going to take to long! I need to find my binder before the school freaking closes!" I looked quickly knocking everyone else's  trash and binders down scattered on the floor. I can't find it! Why is this taking forever to search for my binder? Why can't it just be right on the desk and not in one of these piles?! Ugh! I swear why does this have to happen right now? I should've just taken my binder with me before I left this damn stupid school! I scan the other three piles with my eyes and saw my binder poking out from the bottom right one. 

"Yes! I found you!" I squealed, I opened it up and found all my notes that I've written this semester and then I flipped them all to the front to look at the back pockets. 

"Here you are!" I smiled grabbing the invitation and throwing my binder back into its pile. I turned around and checked the time.

"Oh no." I ran quickly back downstairs and ran to the school entrance I tried opening it but it was locked. Dammit! Oh! There's another entrance and probably a gate opening! I ran to the door and pushed it out.. hmm.. for so many janitors they sure do forget how to lock up everything. I ran by the gym but then I walked back around the gym area because I heard a ball bouncing. Someone's here.. maybe they know a way out! I ran inside the gym and found the only one person who was the last person on my list to find during break. The one and only Austin Mahone. 





/////A\N\\\\\: Hey chipmunks! How do you all like this fanfic so far? Please comment and vote! I'm updating another chapter after this one for this fanfic! <3

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