Chapter 7

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***********Becky's P.o.v.***********
I fell asleep once again on the teacher's desk, I heard something crash and I immediatly run to where I heard it. I see Austin on the floor as he pushed the table away from him,

"I really need to find like an inflatable mattress around here or something confortable other than freaking desks!" He says getting up dusting himself before he sighed.

"Yeah because a school would actually keep an inflatable mattress for sleeping." I say sarcasticly.

"Oh be quiet!" He says in an annoyed tone. Well then. I walked out not saying a word, I then tried to fall back asleep but I just layed there.

"Stupid letter. Stupid party. Thanks to the freaking letter I'm stuck in here for the rest of the fucking summer with Austin!" I whispered to myself.

I walked outside since it was gloomy and no sun, I sat on the bleachers as I see the birds fly away. It's probably 4 or 5 in the morning I love staying up this late because its the only time I can be outside without a sweater on and the last time I could wear just wear short sleeved shirts was before that one summer where it changed everything.
I'm still managing how to get through it instead of just giving up, I'm strong I'm not a person who can easily give up on certain things. I keep trying till I get it.

***********Austin's P.o.v.************
I saw her sitting on the bleachers... why is she so fucking weird? Why does it bug me that she's different?! I want to know why but I can't figure it out! I need her to tell me... but I don't know how. I returned to the classroom I fell asleep in and tried going back to sleep before she got back. I hate her but I'm going to have to try to get along with her in order for her to tell me anything. I just feel like she has this deep dark secret, and I wonder why she wants to know about the bat on my arm if I had it ever since I was born. Does she have something against it? Ugh! I want to know! I don't know.. to me she just seems like a creep.

**********Becky's P.o.v.***********
I got off of the bleachers a short tine after then made my way back to the building before the sun rises up again.
After a few hours later I woke up from my skin burning from the sunlight shining on my face. I jumped up and went back under the teacher's deck, I felt really weak for some reason as I got back up.

"I need to-" I whisper but never finished my last sentence. My head was spinning and hurting at the same time I tried getting myself back up again but immediatly fell and slipped onto the table causing it to land sideways. 

"Rebbeca? You alright?!" Was all that I heard before I blacked out.

What felt like a week later I woke up to water being splashed onto my face,

"What the hell!?" I yell looking at Austin.

"Yo! I was just trying to wake you up! You passed out from dehydration!" He says throwing the water bottle into the recycling bin that was in the room.

"Uh okay? I'll be right back." I said before I quickly ran out to find a snack so I won't pass out again. No, it wasn't from dehydration but Austin can't know that! Before Austin handed me a water bottle I ran out and went to find my snack I can't have nasty human food!

*********************Austin's P.o.v.*********************

That's it I want to know what she is hiding!! I ran out after her and found her hovering over something down the hall.

"Rebbeca!" I yell trying to make her turn around but she jumped up and ran out of the building. I wasted no time and ran out again after her, why is she running? What the fuck is happening?! As soon as I got outside, she was gone. I looked around me and nothing. She wasn't there, I ran to the gym to see if she was there and when I got there I walked slowly inside. I hear this slurping noise and as I turn my head Rebbeca was sitting at the very top of the bleachers having her back to me.

"Go away, Austin." She says which took me back a bit. How did she know I was here? She can't see me and she most certainly can't hear me because I didn't move at all.

"Rebbeca turn around then so I can know that you're okay." I lied.

"No. I'm fine okay? Just go back to the main building." She said shaking her head.

"Fine I'll go then." I sighed taking a few steps back and moving to the side making sure she thought I left she finally turned around. I looked closely to her face and saw red liquid on her lips and smudged on her face. She looked at what she had in her hands and from over here where I'm standing looked like a rat. I stared at her a few more seconds and she opened her mouth then her teeth stretched out again into... fangs? My eyes widened and I quickly ran back to the main building, I ran as fast as I could to just get away from there.

"Rebbeca?! A VAMPIRE!!" I said to myself closing the classroom door behind me. How can Rebbeca be a vampire? Wait... but this kind of makes sense! This explains why she doesn't like the light from the sun! The water and the chips! This is all beginning to make sense now! Rebbeca.... a vampire.
////A\N\\\: Sorry guys. Ily. Please vote and comment! <3(High school is stressful:()

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