Chapter 15

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*****That night*****
I can't just sit here I need to find a way out. I got up from the gym floor and walked out to the football field. I know.. I know, why not fly back home? Well, because I'm not good at flying long distances or as tall as the bleachers to get out of the school. I'm new to this, its only been a year and I haven't used my bat senses or wings in a while the only thing that mattered to me was to control my hunger for human blood till school was out for summer break. I was supposed to train this whole summer but being trapped in this damn fucking school with a damn loyal hard/soft-headed human.
Think Rebbeca... think.

******Austin's P.o.v.******
I wake up to find Becky not in the gym anymore. I got up from the floor and walked out through the two doors in the back of the gym thinking she would be in the bleachers.

"Rebbeca!" I yelled as I see her on the very top bleacher. She looked up and saw me,

"What do you want now?!" She yells back.

"Hold on, I'll be right there!" I yelled making my way to where she was.

******Rebbeca's P.o.v.*******
Can't he just fucking leave?! What does he wan know? Ugh!

"What?" I asked sharply.

"Damn, don't get all fangy on me now-" I interrupted him by saying,

"You know what! These stupid vampire jokes aren't funny."

"Alright, Alright. I'll stop with them... what's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing. Everything is fine." I lied with a fangy smile.

"You think you're a good liar when I can literally see right through your face. You want to leave, don't you?" He asks. I sighed,

"Yeah, I do. I'm supposed to be bat training this whole summer... now thanks for that stupid invitation it got me to here." I roll my eyes.

"Look on the bright side of things.. like this one.. you're stuck here with me." He smiles.

"I rather be stuck here with Alex Morgan than you." I scoffed.

"Who?" He asks.

"Alex is a vampire hunter, the whole Morgan family is. They look for vampires and kill them.. so I rather be stuck with the older brother who is a skilled vampire killer than with you."

"Well there goes a break in my heart." He says sarcastically as I roll my eyes.

"Oh shut it already." I said.

"Well.... hey we only have like another whole month ahead of us.." He says.

"You're not making anything better." I roll my eyes once again.

"Sorry.. so what do you want to do today?" He asks changing the subject.

"I don't know... there really isn't much to do." I sighed.

"Hey, the gym is open... maybe the closet of sport supplies are open too!" He says with a big smile on his face.

"So..?" I looked at him with a quizzical expression.

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