"Young Love!" Squeals none other than Rita bloody Skeeter. She ran up to Harry and Hermione who surprisingly were also hugging by the tent entrance. "How beautiful that there is a romance between champions!" She squeaked with joy, sounding much like a squealing pig. Cedric and I stand up straight at the same time, in a confrontational move. Neither of us saying anything only clenching our jaws. "If anything goes wrong, you might even make the front page!" Rita patronised us like we were small children.

"Excuse me! This tent is for champions and friends." Came a Bulgarian voice form behind me. I turned. Krum was stood equally as confrontational as Ced and I.

"We've got what we need." Rita says dusting her hands as if she's actually done work in her life.

She sorters off, but the photographer quickly grabs a snap of Krum before he exits too. Cedric thanks Krum and they start a conversation about how stupid Rita is, but they are soon interrupted by a happy voice.

"Good day champions! Gather round!" Dumbledore bursts in and smiles at us all garishly and ushers us all into a small circle. "The moment has arrived! I'm sure the four of you will be happy to hear."

In some sense I was happy that the waiting was over, however the fact that this meant a definite start to the tournament was terrifying

"An- oh what are you doing here Miss Granger?" Dumbledore turns to a blushing Hermione.

"Oh I'll just-" She says starting to back out but not before she pulls on my arm slightly. "Good luck Alex." She whispers and as much as we currently didn't get on that was reassuring anyway.

"Right Champions! In this bag is a link to the next task. The place in which you are to complete the task is attached to these items, they are numbered one to five." Crouch looks round at us all. He's holding a small purple velvet bag in left hand and begins to direct us round with his right. "Potter here-Mr Kru-Alex-" He's pointing to us all in term to our name of a place in the tent.

Once Crouch was happy we were all in the right place he opens the small bag which sizzles as he does and offers it to Fleur.

Fleur's hand sinks in first and she flinches a small bit which made me more nervous to put my hand in than to complete the task itself. She pulled out and her right palm beard a small green dragon with a two clamped to its foot. I believe it's a Welsh green although could be confused with the Moroccan Mint Hunter.

"The Welsh Green." Crotch announces, I was half right.

Victor was next. He pulled out the unmistakable Chinese Fireball, a small three engraved on its leg.

Cedric was the luckiest so far, he had the Swedish Short Snout however this meant he had to go first. I'm guessing the dragons where labelled in difficulty.

Harry was next and I knew that he was going to either get four or five. And in a way of selfishness I prayed he'd get six. But the Gods were against me, the Hungarian Horntail had a clear five rapped around its back foot.

"That leaves you Miss Fletcher." Crouch said looking me dead in the eye.

I reached in feeling around in the velvet lining of the bag until something latched onto my glove. I pulled it out and that's when I saw it.

The Celtic Camellia.

I had read about this one. It had only been photographed a few times but had many artistic impressions of its true form. As it blends into the surroundings, thus the name Camellia.

Harry Potter: Alex Fletcher: the fighter, champion and hope.Where stories live. Discover now