Don't leave me

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"BABY BABY BABY OOOOOOOOOH" I shouted while turning to Justin and grabbing onto his arm dramatically, we all burst out laughing and sang the rest of the way there.

"Come on baby, just swim to me I promise it's not that deep and I'll be right there if anything happens." Justin shouted from the deep end of the pool, I was currently sat in the shallow end just floating and thinking but Justin wanted me to go play on the floats with everyone else.

"No, I'm happy up here." I pouted but he didn't take no as answer, he started to swim over and grabbed onto my hips pulling me back towards the deeper end of the pool with him.

I gave up fighting and just laid my head on his shoulder, finding the swaying movement of the water relaxing, I felt myself been pushing onto something soft and realized I was sat on top of the float, everyone else swimming around me I laid down and closed my eyes.

"Nobody tip it because I can't swim that well." I said, I head them splashing around me and having fun and I smiled content.

"Won't do mamacita." Justin called making me laugh, I wasn't Spanish in the slightest but he liked calling me all these 'sexy' names.

I was finally relaxing, feeling my eyelids go droopy before I felt the float start to tip.

"Sofia no!" I heard Justin shout but it was too late, I was already falling into the deep water I immediately started to panic causing me to go even deeper.

I felt strong arms around my torso, they began to tug me towards the surface and pull me onto the side.

"Baby are you ok?" I saw Justin, his face and hair dripping with water and a worried expression in his eyes.

"No, I want to go home." I said crying, I know I sounded like a baby but I'd nearly drowned as a kid and it always shuck me up when I couldn't feel the floor.

"Ok baby, we'll go to the store and get loads of junk food and have a movie night." He murmured while scooping me up, and carrying me towards the changing rooms.

He slowly re dressed me back into my dry clothes then quickly got changed himself before scooping me up in his arms and carrying me out to his car.

"I want to watch, the hangover!" I grinned while slipping it into the DVD player, it was about 7 pm and we was snuggled in the living room under loads of blankets having a sleepover, I was sat next to Ryan and Justin while Sofia and Chaz sat on the ends.

"I'm going to go change into something more comfortable, one sec." Justin smiled then jogged up the stairs, I snuggled into Ryan's arm unaware that Sofia had silently followed Justin up the stairs.

Ten minutes later we still sat alone, Justin hadn't returned nor had Sofia.

"I'm going to go see if he's ok." I mumbled while standing up and silently jogging up stairs, I walked towards our room and creaked open the door, immediately regretting it.

Sofia and Justin where both laid on the bed in a hot lip lock, tears began to trickle down my cheeks as Justin gently fondled her cheek.

"You have got to be kidding." I cried out making Justin jump up, a shocked expression appearing on his face.

"Selena! No it's not what it looks like!" He quickly said while rushing towards me, I pushed him back as I carried on sobbing not caring how much noise I made.

"It's exactly what it looks like Justin!"

"Selena, she came onto me I swear!" Justin said in a panicked tone, but I wasn't hearing it.

"You kissed her back! No Justin, you've gone too far. You constantly hurt me over and over again, I'm not strong enough for this, any of this Justin!" I screamed while tears still flowed out of my eyes.

"You're the strongest girl I've ever met, please you can't I need you we can get through this!" He shouted as his eyes began to get watery.

"No Justin, I'm leaving." I cried as I began to throw things into my suitcase, his strong arms stopped me as he began to sob loudly.

"No Sel, no you can't leave. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, you can't leave me!" He screamed frantically, making this even harder for me. I cried even more if that was humanly possible.

"I've got to go, I can't stay around and watch you fall in love with someone else!" I screamed back at him while I packed the last few clothes and stood up.

"No Selena, no don't leave me! You promised, we love each other I need you! I can't do this alone!" He screamed while breaking down in front of me, kneeling on the floor and grabbing my legs.

We both cried as he gripped onto my legs and I softly stroked his hair, our loud choked sobs breaking the silence every now and then.

"I've got to go Justin." I whispered before standing up and running down the stairs, dragging my suitcase along with me hurriedly.

"No, Sel please no! I can't cope without you!" He cried while running after me, I made it to the front door and yanked it open before he grabbed my waist stopping me.

"I hate you! You've ruined everything, but you've won! Fucking have him! He'll leave me for you eventually anyway!" I screamed at Sofia tears falling even faster.

"No Selena, stop please!" Justin cried making my heart throb, his eyes had gone puffy and red and where filled with pain.

"Ring me a cab please, Chaz." I whispered quietly, trying to control my tears he just nodded and grabbed his phone.

"Chaz no!" Justin cried but Ryan held him back, sadness filling his eyes as well.

"Let her go bro." He murmured to Justin who just shook his head frantically and turned back to me dropping onto his knees and hugging my waist.

"Two minutes away Selly." Chaz spoke softly as I nodded.

"So this is it, you're breaking up with me!" Justin cried loudly, making me close my eyes pain still rippling through every inch of my skin. Hearing him say it made it worse.

"I think it's best for now, Justin. You've got to let me go, if you keep holding on to me I might never get the strength to come back." I sobbed while stroking his cheeks.

"Selena, please I'm begging I'll do anything!" He said, sobbing even louder and hugging my waist.

"End the agreement." He looked down sadly knowing full well he couldn't do that, it would look too bad on his career. I looked away, my mind was made.

I heard the cab beep from outside and I stood back up, trying to look stronger than I felt.

"This isn't goodbye Justin, just farewell for now." I whispered hardly being able to talk from the tears falling out of my eyes, I leant down and placed a soft kiss on his shaking lips, "I love you." I cried before running out of the house, not glancing back for one second.

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