Voldemort's Demise

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Rose's POV

I sat near Remus and Tonks bodies thinking of all the times we had together. Me at their house helping raise Teddy while Tonks made animal faces. Back when Remus and I with the other marauders & we were all friends. Hermione and Kingsley sat by me not saying anything as we waited.

Then they arrived Voldemort and deatheaters with Hagrid carrying Harry's body. Ginny screamed while I stood in front of everyone. Voldemort spotted and said "if it isn't my favourite she wolf." The others looked at me confused and he laughed darkly. "She hasn't told you her little secret or her first stay at Malfoy Manor. Will allow me to enlighten you as she has not. Greyback bit her on a full moon during her first stay at the manor" he explained.

Everyone was shocked by the new information but I did not deny it. "Yes I am a werewolf and am the last of my group of friends. But I will not stop fighting until you are dead Tom Riddle" I promised. Voldemort glared at me for using his real name.

"Harry Potter is dead you now must put your faith in me. Who will join me and live?" he asked the crowd. No one spoke until Narcissa called for Draco to join her and Lucius. As he went to his mother Voldemort hugged him. Then he waited for someone else to step forward and Neville did introducing himself.

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die every day. Friends, family. Yeah, we still lost Harry tonight. He's still with us, in here. So's Fred, Remus, Tonks... they didn't die in vain. But YOU will. Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!" Neville said as he draw the sword of Gryffindor from the sorting hat in his hand.

That is when Harry made his presence known again. A lot of the deatheaters fled the scene seeing Harry Potter come back from the dead. The others stayed with Voldemort started the fight started again. I went after Bellatrix with Ginny at my side. But when she tried to kill Ginny, Molly arrived and took over the duel killing Bellatrix.

I left to go find my nephew who was no doubt fighting Voldemort himself. When I looked I saw them flying through the air crashing into a courtyard. I ran through the castle to get to Harry and help him. But when I got to the court yard I saw Harry had defeated Voldemort who disappeared into dust.

Harry spotted me and we ran to hug each other glad the other was ok. We went and joined the others to see all the deatheaters were dealt with. Harry hugged his friends whilst I watched from the door way. I turned to leave when someone grabbed my shoulder. "Where are you going Rose?" Kingsley asked looking between me and my godson.

"His grown up now Kingsley he doesn't need me anymore and he never did. I have to go tell Andromeda want has happened" I told him. He let go of my shoulder nodding his head and I left the room.

"Aunt Rosie where are you going?" harry said and I turned to face him with sad eyes. "Why are you sad? We won" he asked pulling me into a hug.

"You don't need me anymore Harry and I have tell Andromeda of their deaths" I explained. Harry knew I was talking about Remus and Tonks.

"I'll always need you, you are my aunt and godmother. Besides whose going to babysit when I have my own kids. Where would you go?" Harry asked smiling which I returned half heartedly. "I heard want Voldemort about you being a werewolf and I don't care. You'll always be my aunt and godmother" he told me. Tears appeared in my eyes and he pulled me in for another hug.

"You're the best nephew/godson ever and you look so much like your father. But with your mother's my sister's eyes" I told him looking into his green eyes. He smiled and I kissed his cheek before he left to talk to Hermione and Ron. I turned to leave again to speak to Andromeda when I was stooped again.

This time by McGonagall "hello Headmistress" I said smiling.

"Just McGonagall to you Rosemary and I must ask you for a favor" she said. I nodded waiting to hear her request. "I am now head mistress and we need a new deputy head teacher as well as a new transfiguration teacher" she explained. I nodded my head in understanding and she continued. "I wish for you to take both positions, they are yours if you want them" she told me smiling.

"I'd be honored, but right now I need to inform Andromeda of what happened here" I told her and she nodded her head mutely.

"I am sorry for your loss Rose" she said patting my shoulder before turning to leave. I finally left the castle and walked to Hogsmeade. Before disapperating to Remus and Tonks old house where Andromeda was looking after Teddy. She took one look at me and knew want had happened. I hugged her gently not to hurt the sleeping Teddy in her arms.


Gif of Voldemort's demise above

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