Talk with Dumbledore

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Rose's POV

"Now Rose may I see your wand?" Dumbledore asked holding out his hand. I took out my and handed it to him. "Cherry and the core?" he asks looking at me over his half moon spectacles.

"Dragon heartstring" I told him confused as to way my wand was important. He handed back my wand and went to get a book from one of his shelves. I got a glisp of the title before he opened it. Wand Woods.

"Are here it is read this please Rose out loud" Dumbledore told me pointing to a paragraph from the book. I looked at it and at the top of the page it said 'Cherry'. I cleared my throat before I started to read the paragraph:

"The Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any notion that the pink blossom of the living tree makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core, but if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind."

"I don't understand want's this got to do with me?" I asked confused holding my wand.

"It your wand is made of cherry and dragon heartstring" he told me. "Voldemort has heard that someone has purchased your type of wand. He is trying to find you to either have you join him or kill you. Your father Orion has been hiding you from him" Dumbledore told me.

I was still confused does this mean I have exceptionally self-control and strength of mind. I asked Dumbledore this and he answered. "Yes, no one will be able to control or enter your mind. Not even the imperious curse will affect you" he added as an after thought.

"But I don't have self control two years ago when Snape insulted my sister. I used levicorpus on him" I told Dumbledore looking at my hands.

"You only did that to protect your sister's honor and you did not hurt him" Dumbledore stated. "Now back to the matter at hand, when you finish school you'll have to go into hiding" he told me. "I've asked Moody to take you in and he has agreed" Dumbledore said.

"That is fine with me sir, it means I can train more to be a part time auror" I told him. He gave me a look and I explained "I was going to be a part time healer during my auror training."

"That will be fine, but you must not use your wand. Otherwise Voldemort or one of his followers may find you" Dumbledore explained. I nodded my head in agreement and he gave me a spare wand. "This is made of willow is 11 inches long and has a dragon heartstring core. Give it wave please" Dumbledore asked and I did so.

As I did blue sparks appear from the tip. "Not as good as your real wand, but it seems to work just fine thought. And should work well for your needs" he stated nodding his head. We said our good nights and I returned to Gryffindor tower.

When I arrived I saw everyone in the common room sleeping in the arm chairs around the fire. Remus was awake though and told me they waited for me. Also that they decided to have a sleepover down here. I nodded my head and went to change into my pj's.

Once I returned Remus said goodnight curling up in his arm chair. I laid then next Sirius and fell into a peaceful sleep. That night I had nightmares of my parents, and the Smiths deaths, also of Voldemort finding me. Hurting Lily and Sirius even Petunia just so I'd join him.

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