Capture: Half-Blood Prince

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(Malfoy Manor)

Voldemort was at loss of what to do and how to get what he desired. He was pleased with Draco becoming a deatheater and helping his followers invade Hogwarts. But it would be a while before that was accomplished. Severus was his spy in Dumbledore's secret order and keeps an eye on the girl as well as Potter.

"My lord, how will we capture the girl?" Lucius asked from where he stood by his wife. Bellatrix grumbled under her breath, not pleased the Dark Lord wanted to capture the girl. Peter sat in a corner of the room watching the discussion.

"Will we have to get her away from the Order and Hogwarts first Lucius. But she won't come easily we need some bait" Voldemort told them. He heard a squeak and turned to see Wormtail in the corner of the room. "Wormtail come here I have a task for you" he said smirking evilly. Wormtail walked into the light of the fireplace whilst the others shared confused looks.

"You and the girl we speak of were friends?" Voldemort asked slyly. Wormtail nodded and the smirk on Voldemort's face got wider. "I believe I have found the perfect bait, Wormtail will lure her out of the castle. With letter saying to met where her sister is buried" Voldemort told his deatheaters. They all laughed and smirked at their masters plan. "When she arrives she'll be surrounded by you and other deatheaters. There will spells put in place so that muggles won't know want is happening. Also to prevent her from escaping" Voldemort told them the plan.


Rose was heading to Dumbledore's office to inform him of a letter she had received. But when she got there, she saw Snape was there and that they were in a meeting. She listened to their conversation and became furious at Dumbledore. "How dare you put Harry's life in danger" she snarled walking into the office.

"Rose calm down, it is the only way to defeat Voldemort for good. I guarantee Harry will come out of this unharmed" Dumbledore said quietly trying to calm her down. But she wouldn't Harry was the last connection she had to Lily, James and Sirius.

"No I won't, I trusted you and now you are planning to send Harry to his death" Rose said with venom. Snape had never seen her this angry even when he had called her sister a mudblood. Dumbledore knew she hadn't heard the whole conversation or she wouldn't react this way. So when she stormed out of the room, he decided to talk to her in morning when she was calm.

Once Rose was out of the castle she took out the letter she'd received to read it again:

Dear Pegasus,

I wish to met you and apologize for the part I played in you're sisters death. Met me in the graveyard where she is buried at midnight. Come alone or  I will not show myself. Tell no one of this letter or meeting.

From Wormtail

So Rose went to her house in the forest and left the letter on her dining room table. She made sure she had her wand before turning into a Pegasus. Rose took to the sky and flew towards the place where her sister was buried Godric's Hollow. No one saw her leave and would know she had until a few days later.

When she arrived at the graveyard she landed next to her sisters gravestone. Once she was human she turned to the two gravestones beside her. She made two flower wreaths with a wave of her wand and knelled in front of the graves. "Hello Lily, James I know I am early this year. But I am meeting someone here and I am going to make him pay for betraying you. I will see you again on Halloween as usual" she told the graves.

"How touching talking to your sister and her husbands graves" a voice sneered behind her. She turned quickly drawing her wand when the same voice said "expelliarmus." Rose was disarmed and she saw Lucius Malfoy holding her wand. "You won't be needing this and there is no point trying to escape. As you are out numbered" he told Rose.

Just then she was surrounded by deatheaters and cursed herself for being so stupid. There was only one thing she could do without her wand. She turned into a Pegasus, but deatheaters shoot chains at her. Pulling her to the ground and the last thing she saw & heard. Was Bellatrix pointing her wand at her saying "stupefy."


Picture above gives you an idea of how Rose was captured

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