Prisoner of Azkaban: part 2

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Rose's POV

It was time for the first quidditch match of the season. Remus could not come as he is still not fully healed. But I was going and was sitting in one of the less crowded stands. I felt someone lay beside me and I said "I'm glad you are here Sirius to see Harry play" not turning to the black dog next to me. We watched the game together until the dementors arrived after Harry and the other seeker disappeared into the clouds.

Then I saw Harry had fallen off his broom and was unconscious. I shot my patronus at the dementors whilst Dumbledore slowed Harry down. I then jumped off the stands after turning into a Pegasus. Swooping down to collect Harry who landed softly on my back. Once I landed I galloped to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey took Harry from me and went to change back in private. We both tended to his wounds when his team came in with his broken broom.

After he was awake I greeted him before leaving the castle. I sneaked through the passage under the whopping willow. And was greeted by my brother in his dog form. "Padfoot I have missed you and don't worry we'll avenge James & Lily. Harry is fine, but his broom flew into the whopping willow. It is damaged beyond repair" I told him.

"I will get him the finest broom for Christmas then. But I will need your help sister" he said after turning human. I agreed to help with both the broom and avenging my sister & our friend. On the second Hogsmeade visit before I told the Weasley twins to give their map to Harry. It was the one me and my friends made during our time at Hogwarts. Filch had confiscated it from James years ago and the twins stole it from him.

When Harry got into Hogsmeade I followed him to the shrieking shack. Where Draco and his buddies were harassing Ron & Hermione. I laughed silently as I watched Harry torment Draco and his goons whilst invisible. I then went to the Three Broomsticks for a butter beer. Hermione and Ron entered the pub no doubt followed by an invisible Harry.

Then the minister of magic, Hagrid, McGonagall, and Flitwick entered the pub. They started a conversion with the care taker about Sirius. I tried not to listen as they insulted my brother. But I know Harry and his friends had heard the whole conversation. I left immediately so that I didn't have to face Harry. He got a firebolt for Christmas that I helped Sirius order for him. But McGonagall confiscated it to see if there were any spells on it.

When Harry did catch up to me after Christmas he was furious. I did not react knowing he was only upset.  Besides he didn't know the truth about that night. He still thanked me for his Christmas gift though.Remus asked me to help him teach Harry the Patronus charm. But I told him Harry didn't like me at the moment and he understood. He kept me informed on Harry's progress though in their lessons.

Harry got the firebolt back in time for the final quidditch match. He won the quidditch cup for Gryffindor. I was so proud of him and couldn't wait to challenge him one day to a game of quidditch. So that we could see who was the better seeker.

It was near the end of the year and Sirius had broken into Gryffindor tower. Using the passwords Neville had written down. But he still didn't get the rat and escaped capture. I haven't seen him much due to Snape watching Remus and I. Harry was talking to me again. Buckbeak was sentence to death and I decided to be with Hagrid when it happens, so has Dumbledore.

Harry, Hermione and Ron arrived under the invisibility cloak. Ron got his rat back and I knew it was the one Sirius was after. I really wanted that rat to suffer for betraying my sister.  When the executioner, Fudge and Dumbledore headed this way. I lead the others outside and hid them in the pumpkin patch. Once the other three went inside I lead Harry and his friends up the hill.

But that rat kept trying to escape and that is when my brother appeared in his dog form. I went and changed quickly into a Pegasus. When I saw Sirius drag the rat and Ron into the tunnel under the tree. I flew through it avoiding the tree branches trying to hit me to follow them.

Ron screamed from upstairs and I changed back into my human form. Once I climbed the stairs and saw Ron's leg. I said "honestly Sirius you need to be more careful when you bite someone." Scolding my brother  who had became human again and went over to Ron to check his wound.

Harry and Hermione arrived they asked where the Pegasus & dog were. "They aren't animals, they are animagus" Ron said pointing to me and Sirius. I rolled my eyes and made a split for Ron's leg. Then Harry lunged at Sirius and pointed his wand at his chest. I heard Sirius ask if Harry was going to kill him.

"Expelliarmus" I heard Remus say disarming Harry who got off Sirius. Remus pulled Sirius into a hug and I joined them.

"I trusted you and all this time you've been his friend. His a werewolf that's why his been missing classes" Hermione told the others. Remus praised her for being so smart and Sirius was saying how he wanted to kill someone. Of course the kids thought he meant Harry. Then Snape arrived but Harry and I knocked him out. Remus, Sirius and I then told the kids our story we then turned Peter human.

We then left the shack together, but once we got outside the full moon appeared. Both Sirius and I changed forms to defend the kids. Snape came out then and also protect the children with his body. After an epic fight Moony ran into the forest after hearing a howls coming from there. Then the dementors arrived Harry tried to fend them off as did I. But we were both to weak and passed out.

I woke in the hospital wing with the kids and Dumbledore. When Hermione took out her time turner I went with her and Harry to help them. We saved Buckbeak and then went into the forest. We watched everyone enter the tunnel under the whopping willow. Whilst Buckbeak ate the bats that flew by. Once the others came out of the tunnel we followed Harry.

Hermione and I howled together gaining Moony's attention. We all ran when he headed our why and then Buckbeak saved us. Harry lead the us to the lake where he used the patronus charm. It was very powerful and got rid of all the dementors. They then got onto Buckbeak, whilst I turned into a Pegasus and lead them to where Sirius was being held.

Hermione blasted open the door and they got onto Buckbeak. He and I flew into a near by court yard. Where I became human again to say goodbye to my brother. Once we said our goodbyes Sirius left on Buckbeak. I lead the other two back to the hospital in time for Dumbledore to lock us inside.

I went to bed to rest as Madame Pomfrey appeared and took care of the kids. Then Snape burst into the room accusing Harry and I of helping my brother escape. But Dumbledore convinced him with Pomfrey that we had not left the hospital wing. I followed the train as it left Hogsmeade station.

Ron got his own owl as Harry got a letter from Sirius. It told him how he was the one to give Harry the firebolt. With my help of course and how felt guilty for Ron not having a pet anymore. Once he got to Kings Cross I left to go help my brother find a place to hide. I have stopped praying for a normal year for Harry. Because I released that would never happen.


Picture of Sirius above on wanted poster

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