Hogsmeade and First Quidditch Match

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Rose's POV

It was time for our first was time for our first official Hogsmeade visit. James and Sirius had a surprise into store for the others and me. Also the first quidditch match of the year was next week. Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw and David has made us train hard, but gave us today off.

I had breakfast with Lily, Alice and Marlene before we went our separate ways for the Hogsmeade visit. When I reached the other I saw James looking longingly at my sister. While Sirius teased him about his crush on her. I didn't tell them who she was going to Hogsmeade.

Lily and Severus are best friends even though their other friends don't approve. James and Sirius were always pranking him because of James jealousy of his relationship with my sister. We pranked other students and even a few teachers as well.

We had now finished a full wing of the castle on the Marauders map. James and Sirius were always calling us by our nicknames. But if anyone else tried to I'd glare at them. It was hard to keep on top of school work with quidditch practice and pranks. But I managed with their (James, Remus and Sirius) help.

Sirius helped me into the carriage before he followed with the other three. James and Remus talked about where to go first. They settled on the 'three broomsticks' first then the post office.

When we got there James held the door open for me and James went with Sirius to get our drinks. I found a table with Peter and Remus's help for all of us. The other two found us and Sirius gave me a butter beer. We toasted to pranks and friendship.

After we had visited the post office James and Sirius wanted to show us their surprise. They made me close my eyes and Sirius guided me through the street. I heard a door open and Sirius guided me inside.

He told me I could open my eyes and I did. When I did I was surrounded by joke products. I asked what this place was and they answered "Zonko's Joke Shop" in unison.  We brought lots of stuff for pranks before heading to Honey Dukes. Remus got more chocolate and we got some sweets we had never tried.

"Remus can you show us where you transform?" James asked quietly. Remus nodded and lead us to an old shack. He lead us in the back entrance and we went inside. After the tower we left and went back up to the castle. That night we had a sleep over in their dorm trying all the different sweets.

(one week later)

It was the morning of the quidditch match and I was nervous. James and Sirius were to but they hide it. David came to us during breakfast and took us to the pitch early. He wouldn't check the conditions for the game and go through strategies.

After that we went to change into our quidditch robes. I was the only girl on the team and the smallest player. David gave us a pep talk before we left the change rooms.

Madame Hooch made David and the Ravenclaw captain shake hands. Then we took to the air and she released the bludgers along with the snitch. As she released the quaffle the game began with James taking possession of it.

I didn't focus on the game unless a bludger was sent my way and the beaters didn't stop it. When the score was 60 - 10 Gryffindor in the lead I spotted the snitch near the ground. I was high up above it and it was eleven feet from the ground.

I dived for it and the other seeker followed me when I was nine feet away from the snitch. But my broom was faster even with him on my tail. As I caught the snitch and pulled out of the dive at the last second. The Ravenclaw seeker crashed into the ground hard.

"Evans got the snitch pulling off the perfect Wronski Feint, Gryffindor wins!" the announcer yelled. Gryffindors in the stand cheered as my team pulled me into a group hug in the air. Once we reached the ground the team lifted me onto their shoulders.

When we got back to the common room we partied. Lily, Alice and Marlene congratulated me. While David, James and Sirius wouldn't stop talking about the Wronski Feint. I sat by the fire with a pale Remus. It was going to be a full moon tomorrow.

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