Death and the Order

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Rose's POV

Lily and I are in the boys dorm the day before the next full moon. We were all trying to cheer Remus up with some chocolate. When two owls appeared at the window each with a letter. "Open the window please Wormtail" Sirius said from were he was resting his head in my lap.

Peter opened the window the screech owl went to James and the tawny went to Lily & I. James opened his letter and Lily opened ours. We read the letter together it was from the ministry.

Dear Miss Evans and Miss Evans

We are sorry to tell you that your parents and neighbors died this afternoon. During an attack from Deatheaters. The deatheaters were caught and are being put on trail this weekend. Your older sister Petunia Evans is alive as she was out at the time of the attack.

Deepest regards

Barty Crouch Head of the magical law enforcement Ministry of magic

Lily started to cry and wrapped her arms around me as tears entered my eyes. I looked up and saw James about to cry as well. "What's wrong Prongs, Pegasus and Lily?" Sirius asked sitting up and he took the letter from Lily. While Remus took James's and read them aloud.

Sirius pulled me into a hug and I really started to cry sobbing quietly. Lily went and hugged James who hugged her back tightly. We when then pulled into a group hug with Remus and Peter.

Suddenly there was a burst of fire and note appeared beside us. Remus picked it up and read it. "It is from Dumbledore he wants us in his office, the password is lollipops" he told us. James, Lily and I wiped our tears before we followed the others out of the room.

Sirius kept his arm around my shoulder during the journey. James did the same thing with Lily who was still in silent tears. Once we got there Remus said the password and lead the group up the stairs. He knocked on the door and Dumbledore said "come in" from the other side.

When entered the room we saw Dumbledore talking to a man with a scarred face. "Please take sit" Professor Dumbledore told us pointing to the six seats in front of his desk. From left to right it was Peter, Sirius, Me, Remus, Lily and James. "Before we start allow me to say sorry for your loses James, Lily and Rose" he stated.

The three of us nodded and he turned to the man next to him. "This is my friend Alister Moody he is an auror and is responsible for putting most of the deatheaters in Azkaban" he introduced us. "Alister these are Sirius Black, Rose & Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and James Potter" he informed Mr Moody.

Who nodded at us in greeting and Dumbledore continued to speak. "Now I asked you six here to tell you about a secret organization. The purpose of this organization is the fight Voldemort and his deatheaters. I am in charge of the group and wish to invite you to join. Once you finish school of course" Dumbledore stated.

"I'll fight" James stated " I have to avenge my parents deaths" he explained.

"Same here, what about you Lily" I stated looking at my sister. She nodded her head agreeing to join. Sirius also said he'd join wanting to protect his little sister. I rolled my eyes at this, but smiled when he hugged me. Remus and Peter also decided to join the group.

"Splendid, now Sirius and Rose I know you wish to be aurors. Alister will be your mentor when you finish school" Dumbledore told us.

"I want to be an auror too" Lily and James said together.

"I am more then happy to teach all of you even those who do not wish to be an auror. As I train all new members of the Order of the Phoenix" Moody stated. We gave him a confused look and Dumbledore said it was the name of the organization.

Moody then left using Dumbledore's fire place and flu network. As I was about to follow the others out the door Dumbledore spoke again. "Rose may I have a word before you leave in private." I nodded my head and said goodbye to the others before shutting the door.

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