Owl and Hagrid

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Rose's POV

While we were outside near our favourite tree a boy with greasy black hair appeared. I climbed the tree, while Lily greeted her friend Severus Snape. He and I didn't talk to each other. I listened as Lily told him about our letters and he congratulated her.

She gave me a look that asked she could tell him the other thing. But shook my head glaring at her. Severus looked between us confused, because his never seen us act this way towards each other. He knew better then to ask questions and decided to tell us about Hogwarts.

There was a screech of an owl above us and I turned to see a beautiful light coloured barn owl. It had a letter in its mouth. I saw it was addressed to me and turned to Lily. "I have an other letter we should show our parents" S told her.

Lily nodded and said goodbye to Severus as we left. The owl followed us for some strange reason. When we got home I told my parents about the letter and Mum asked me to read it aloud. So I opened it and began to read:

"Dear Rosemary,

You've grown into a beautiful young witch just like I'd hope you would be. My name is Orion Black and I am you're biological father. Your Mum and her partner have raised you well.

I am sorry I was never there for you. I want you to know I love you, but I have a family of my own to look after. You have two half brothers named Sirius and Regulus  Black. Sirius will be going to Hogwarts with you and your half sister.

No one can know you are a Black. Sirius knows, but he has promised to tell no one. Know that you are a half-blood in the wizarding world. I have also made an account for you at Gringotts for you with some money in it.

From you're Father

Orion Black

p.s the owl is my gift to you and your account key is in the envelope"

I looked at my parents then at the owl that had landed on my shoulder. I stroked her chest fondly and said "I'll call you Mary". Lily smiled she was happy for me. "This doesn't change want I said earlier, you are still my Dad" I told my parents. Who smiled happily.

"Can I keep her?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. Mum said I could, but I had to take care of her. We had dinner before I went to get ready for bed with Lily. I placed my key on the bedside table between our two beds.

(the next morning)

Lily and I were eating breakfast when there was a knock at the door. Mum went to answer it as I gave Mary some toast. "Lily, Rose this man is here to take you to collect your things" Mum stated as she walked back into the room.

We turned and saw a giant man standing in the doorway behind our Mum. "Hello my name is Rubeus Hagrid and I am the keeper of keys/grounds at Hogwarts" he introduced himself. I shook his hand and he asked if we were ready to leave. Lily and I ran upstairs she put her shoes on while I got my account key.

Hagrid then lead us outside to where a motorbike with a side cart was waiting. He gave us helmets and told us to hope into the cart. We said goodbye to our family and I said goodbye to Mary as well.

About thirty minutes later we arrived at a pub called 'the leaky cauldron'. He lead us out the back door and tapped the wall. It moved to reveal atone of shops. "First stop the bank" he stated "you have you're supply lists?" he asked. We nodded and Lily took hers out as I did the same thing.


Picture of Mary above

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