Potter Mansion

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Rose's POV

I had an amazing Christmas with my family and John's. He and I have become good friends over the week. John had helped me prank Petunia, Lily and Severus, we'd laugh afterwards. Mr Smith had built him a tree house for John, which become sort of our hang out area.

Sirius, James and Remus have sent me letters all excited for the new year. Sirius and James were planning pranks for our return to Hogwarts. While Remus and I discussed his 'furry little problem' as well as school work.

I believe I'd found a way to help him with his transformations. But it would be difficult to get a hold of the book needed. I planned on asking Professor McGonagall for advice on it. Before sending Mary to Flourish and Blotts to order the book. Of course I well just tell her I was curious if she asked why I was asking her questions.

With my trunk packed and Mary's empty cage (she had already gone to James's) I went downstairs. His mother was coming to collect me at 10 and it was 9:45 now. My parents were downstairs waiting in the lounge so I sat in between them.

Lily was out with Severus doing some school work for potions. While Petunia was out with her friends at the cinema. So it was only us home and Mum asked if I was all packed. I nodded as there was a knock at the door.

She went to get the door while I sat in silence with my Dad. He wasn't happy about me staying at the Potter's for a week before school starts again. But Mum talked him around saying I'd write every day and met them at the station.

Mum came back into the room with Euphemia who was James's mother. She told me to call her by her first name. Because Mrs Potter made her sound old. I also call Mr Potter by his first name Fleamont. They treated me like a second child and Euphemia was always trying to make me dress more girly.

Euphemia gave me a hug saying "are you ready?" and I nodded. Then turned to say goodbye to my parents. As Mum hugged me I asked her to tell Lily and Petunia I said goodbye. She nodded her head and I turned back to Euphemia. "I'll send your bags ahead and then I'll apperate us there" she told me and waved her wand at my stuff. It disappeared and she took my arm I waved goodbye to my parents as we disappeared.

We appeared at the end of a street and I gave her a confused look. "We can't just apperate there due to the protective spells around the house" she explained. I followed her up the street to her house. Which turned out to be a small mansion and James greeted us at the door.

Before dragging me upstairs as I shouted a hello to Fleamont who greeted his wife. James showed me my room which was across from Sirius's and next to Remus's. Who were already here and greeted me with hugs. James told me Peter wasn't arriving until later that night.

We went outside and played quidditch with a quaffle James owned. Remus and I were on the same team, but James & Sirius won the game. Because they were better at quidditch then Remus and I wasn't good enough yet to make up for it.

His Mum called us in for dinner when Peter arrived and we greeted him. After dinner we played exploding snap in the living room. Before sleeping for a few hours, before Fleamont woke us up for midnight.

He gave us something called butter beer which we drunk when midnight arrived. We wished each other a happy new year. Sirius hugged me. We had a wizard chest tournament before going to bed for real.

The week went by quickly with playing quidditch planning pranks for school. Remus and I got the others to do their homework. Which made Euphemia happy and she gave us chocolate as an award. We also went to Diagon Alley for the day and brought somethings.

It was time to return to school and Fleamont took us to the station. I met my family and said goodbye to my parents. Sirius introduced himself to my Mum and she greeted him warmly. I thanked Fleamont for having me stay before getting onto the train with Sirius.

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