Missing and Captive

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(Hogwarts the next day)

Dumbledore went to Rose's house to talk to her. Only to find her not home and a letter on her dining room table. When he read it, he immediately returned to the castle summoning Snape and McGonagall. "Rose has been taken by Voldemort" he told them when they entered the office. "I found this on her dining room table" Dumbledore told them and they read the letter.

"I am sorry Dumbledore I failed to find out the dark lord's plan. No doubt she is being held captive at Malfoy Manor" Snape told the headmaster.

"I do not blame you Severus, I to am at fault for making her angry. If I hadn't no doubt she would of told us last night of the letter" Dumbledore said.

"Am I to believe my great-great granddaughter has been captured by Voldemort?" Phineas asked from his portrait. Dumbledore nodded and turned back to the other two.

"We can not save her it would blow Severus's cover. I am afraid she is on her own" Dumbledore said gloomily.

"Dumbledore you can't leave her at the mercy of you-know-who" McGonagall told him.

"I'll keep ears peeled for any information on her Dumbledore" Snape told the pair. Dumbledore nodded his head and Snape left to go to Malfoy Manor as his mark burned. McGonagall and Dumbledore sat in silence before she left the room.

(Malfoy Manor)

Rose woke up still in her Pegasus form tied to a post in a cellar. She pulled at the rope trying to get free. But it only became tighter making it hard to breath. "Good you are awake now change back into a human" someone ordered behind her. When she turned she saw Voldemort and a few of his deatheaters in the door way.

When Rose refused to change Voldemort summoned someone forward and she saw it was Wormtail. "Turn back now or I'll torture Wormtail in front of you" Voldemort told her. But she still refused and he pointed his wand at Wormtail who screamed in pain. Rose tried to turn around so she wouldn't see. But Voldemort ordered his deatheaters to hold her still and make her watch.

She couldn't take it anymore and turned back yelling "stop it!" Voldemort lifted the spell as Rose fell to her knees she had tears in her eyes. Greyback still held her arms behind her back as Voldemort stepped forward.

"I knew you couldn't see your old friend suffer through pain. Now we can have a proper talk" he said grabbing her chin making her look into his red eyes. He released her and left the cellar with Greyback making Rose follow. They reached a living room with a fireplace and Rose saw the Malfoy's, Bellatrix & Snape.

"Snivellus how dare you betray Dumbledore when I get out of here. You will be fired and kicked out of the order" Rose snarled trying to lunge at him. But Greyback put pressure on her arms stopping her from doing so. He then lead her to a chair and she was tied to it. Voldemort made the deatheaters leave so he could have a private conversation with her.

"You know we aren't so different as we both have a muggle parent as well as a pureblood one. I bet there was more then one house you would have done well in. You have great power, but you choose to waste it" he told her.

"How did you know there was another house I'd do well in? And I am not wasting my power fighting you" Rose told him. His lip curled in a smirk before answering her.

"Severus told me, he used to be friends with your sister and she told him. I bet the other house was Slytherin" he told her. Rose shook her head not believing a word he was saying. "If you get a chance ask the sorting hat, what other house you would have done well in" Voldemort said. "Now I know you won't join me, but you are to dangerous to be left free. So you will stay here until we kill Dumbledore and Potter" he told her.

"I won't let you lay a hand on my godson and there is no way you could get to Dumbledore" Rose said.

Voldemort laughed before answering "oh, but I do. Soon two deatheaters will be at Hogwarts and one is fixing a cupboard. Which will let my other deatheaters enter Hogwarts" he told her. "Now I must leave the Malfoy's are in charge of you and see you are kept healthy. I will be checking in every now and then" Voldemort said before Rose blacked out again.

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