First Full-Moon Together

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It was time for Rose to start her fifth year at Hogwarts and she had been made Quidditch Captain for her house team. While her sister Lily was made a prefect along with Remus. Over the years Rose has gotten close John during her holidays.

John actually has a crush on Rose and wants to ask her out. But hasn't, because he saw she was friends with a bunch of boys from school. He believed that she liked Sirius as he always so them together.

Rose was upset when John didn't come over to met her friends while they visited like he promised. When she confronted him, he told her the truth and asked her out. She told him not until she finished school. He understood and agreed to her condition.

Lily helped Rose put her trunk on a trolley at the station. Their parents had to leave straight away as Petunia was sick. So they said their goodbyes, before they headed to the platform. Once they found two separate compartments Rose went to find her friends.

It was only 10:30 so there was half an hour before the train would leave. She spotted Sirius and ran to hug him not noticing their father or brother were there. "Sirius how are you? I found a compartment for us and the others" Rose told him excitedly.

"Sirius would you introduce me to your friend" a voice said behind. Rose pulled away from her brother and turned to see her biological father looking at them.

"Father this is my friend Rose Evans" Sirius told his father. Regulus had left after spotting his to friends. Orion shook his daughters hand giving her a small smile.

"It is a pleasure to finally met you Rose and I am proud of the young witch you have become" he told her. "I wish, I could have seen you grow up" he said enviously. "Where is your Mother?" Orion asked her looking around the platform.

"My sister Petunia was sick so her and Dad took my sister to the hospital" Rose explained. Orion nodded and bid them farewell as the whistle blew signalling they had ten minutes to board the train. Sirius spotted the others and dragged Rose over to them. Rose then lead them to the back compartment where her trunk was already.

During the train ride they discussed plans for that night. It was going to be their first full moon together as Animagi and werewolf. Remus was nervous about hurting his friends. But they assured him they could protect themselves.

They arrived at Hogwarts and had dinner with the rest of the school. Before going to Gryffindor tower while Remus was taken to the whopping willow. The others got under James's cloak and sneaked out of the common room.

When they got outside Peter changed into a rat and pressed the note on the tree. The others went through the tunnel with James holding Peter's clothes. They heard Remus changing and did so themselves.

A werewolf appeared in front of the group of friends in their animal forms. It tried to attack Sirius, but James and Rose blocked its way. This went back and forth until it calmed down. Pegasus (Rose) laid in front of the fire with Prongs (James). Padfoot (Sirius) and Moony (Remus) play wrestle while they watched. Wormtial (Peter) sat in Prongs antlers watching the two play.

The sun rose the next morning and the others turned back into humans. Peter changed in a separate room and Rose covered Remus with a cloak. The others left before Madame Pomfrey arrived to take Remus to the hospital wing. They only had a few scratches and bruises which Rose healed.

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