Harry James Potter

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It has been nearly a year since James and Lily were married. They had defied Voldemort three times since then. Lily was pregnant and they had to go into hiding. Due to a prophecy related to their unborn baby.

Rose has been working as Pomfrey's assistant at Hogwarts during the school year. But has also completed her training to be an auror along with Sirius, James and Lily. Voldemort still hasn't found her, but her biological father Orion died. So now the full Black family know of her being related to them. But she is safe while at Hogwarts or with Moody on auror business.

Since that day in Dumbledore's office has been using the wand he gave her. But in private she uses her own wand not liking the new one. When her friends asked about her new wand she said it was a gift. They didn't ask anymore questions after a while.

The night Harry was born Rose was visiting her sister and James. She helped deliver her nephew into the world. Sirius was made the godfather and Rose was made the godmother.

On Harry's first birthday Sirius sent him a small broomstick. Rose had come to visit and gave him fake wand to play with. She spent the night there before returning back to Moody's house. She never called it home as she didn't see as a home just a place to hide.

Dumbledore came to met Harry and suggested the Potter's do the Fidelius charm. They agreed and asked Sirius to be their secret keeper once Dumbledore left. Sirius refused saying it would be to obvious. Rose then suggested they used Peter as their secret keeper saying they'd watch over him.

So on Halloween Peter was made the secret keeper. Rose had a bad feeling and went to Sirius's place. He agreed to go check on Peter with her and they took Sirius's bike to his place. Only to find it abandoned and all his things gone with no sign of a struggle.

They immediately went to the Potter's house on his bike. Rose ran inside to find James's dead body in the hall. She ran to Harry's room and found Lily dead in front of Harry who was crying in his crib. With a lighting bolt shaped scar on his head she picked him up holding him close.

She hide his face in her shoulder and walked outside to where Sirius was waiting. When she looked up, she spotted Hagrid had arrived. "They're dead Sirius both of them" Rose told the pair holding Harry tightly. Sirius walked over to his sister and hugged her close.

"Sorry to break this up, but Dumbledore sent me to collect Harry. Says he has to live with your sister" Hagrid told the pair.

"No, I am his Godmother and Sirius is his Godfather we will raise him" Rose said pulling away from Sirius who nodded in agreement.

"I am sorry Rose it is Dumbledore's orders" Hagrid stated.

"Rose go with him and talk to Dumbledore take the bike. There is something I have to do" Sirius told them. Hagrid agreed and got onto the bike with Rose behind him holding Harry.

"Don't do anything stupid Padfoot" Rose told her brother. He nodded and watched them leave before disapperating. Rose held Harry close while Hagrid drove the bike to her sisters house.

When they arrived they got off the bike and were greeted by Dumbledore & McGonagall. "I did not expect you Rose" Dumbledore said.

"I am not letting my godson and nephew be raised by my sister who hates our kind" Rose stated.

"It is for Harry's safety that Petunia and her family raise Harry away from our world. I have done a spell that will protect Harry until his 17th birthday as long as he calls this place home. The place had to be the home of someone with Lily's blood" he stated. "Alas I am afraid you do not have year sisters blood. But your brothers and I am afraid you can't see Harry again until he starts at Hogwarts" Dumbledore said as Rose tried to protest.

"But he is the last connection I have to Lily" Rose said sadly looking at her nephew in her arms.

"I understand and you can watch over him in secret" Dumbledore said holding out his arms to take Harry. Rose reluctantly handed her sleeping nephew to Dumbledore. McGonagall followed him to the door whispering quietly. While Hagrid hugged Rose trying to comfort her.

"There there you two, it's not really goodbye after all" Dumbledore told Rose and Hagrid. He turned to Harry saying "good luck Harry Potter." Hagrid left on the bike while the other three disapperated.

Rose went to Hogwarts with the two professors before heading into the forest. Where she turned into a Pegasus and flew around clearing her head. After that she went to a tree house James and Sirius had made her years ago. It had everything she needed and was to be her new home for now.


Picture of Harry above

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