Careers Advice

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Rose's POV

It has been a long and hard year so far. With quidditch, pails of home work, Slughorn's parties and full moon outings. We had even gone exploring Hogsmeade and Forbidden forest during full moons. We had completed the map of the school.

With exams around the corner pamphlets had appeared in our common room. Telling us about different jobs available and the qualifications needed. A note was put on the notice board giving us a list of times for our career advice meeting with our head of house.

James wanted to be a professional quidditch player in the future. While Sirius wanted to be an Auror and catch deatheaters. Remus wanted to be a teacher so badly, but no one would except him. Because he was a werewolf and considered dangerous to others. Peter had no idea want he wanted to do after school.

"So what do you want to do?" Remus asked me one night while we looked at pamphlets. The others gave me expectant looks. I sighed as I put down the pamphlet on being a healer.

"To tell you the truth I don't know" I stated.

Sirius snorted saying "the smart organized Rose Evans doesn't know the career she whats." James and Peter nodded in agreement sniggering. While Remus gave the three of them disapproving looks.

"There a few things I want to do and will be qualified for. But I can't choose which one to pursue" I explained.

"Why don't you tell us the careers you have in mind and we'll give you our opinions" James suggested. I nodded and took a deep breath before answering.

"I would like to be teacher to educate young witches and wizards. But I also want to work with magical creatures. So a care of magical creatures teacher seem the best solution. However, I also want to fight against Voldemort and his deatheaters. I also wouldn't mind being a healer" I finished telling them my career choices.

"I would love if we could fight together as aurors, but I know you love children. And think you would make an amazing teacher" Sirius told me.

"I think you should be healer or teacher, because I don't see you ever hurting anyone. Even if they are a deatheater" Remus stated his opinion. Peter said I should be be teacher, because I was good at tutoring him. James agreed with Sirius, but also said I should think about becoming a professional seeker.

I shook my head and said "I enjoy quidditch, but I see as a hobby in future and not a potential career." James nodded in understanding and we went silent for a while. Until Remus told us to go to bed, because we had our meetings tomorrow as well as classes.

(the next day)

I was in Charms and we are revising for our OWLs next week. But it was time for my career advice meeting with Professor McGonagall. Professor Flitwick dismissed me saying I could finish the revision sheet for homework and return it tomorrow.

Once I arrived at McGonagalls office I knocked on her door. She opened the door and said come in. I did so and took a seat in front of her desk to see she had the same pamphlets from the common room. "Now Miss Evans, have you thought about what you wish to do in the future?" McGonagall asked once she sat in her chair.

I nodded my head and gave her the same answer I gave my friends last night. "I would like to be teacher to educate young witches and wizards. But I also want to work with magical creatures. So a care of magical creatures teacher seem the best solution. However, I also want to fight against Voldemort and his deatheaters. I also wouldn't mind being a healer" she took out three pamphlets.

"Your grades are fine and I see no reason you won't be able to continue the right subjects next year. But it would be a lot of work" McGonagall told me after looking at the pamphlets and my grades. "I would suggest following your heart and not choose want others expect of you. However, if you wish to do one of these jobs in future. I suggest doing Potions, Charms, DADA, Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, Herbology and Transfiguration."

"However if you wish to do these subjects for your NEWT years. You will need at least an Exceeds Expectations to be allowed to continue some of them. So I suggest working hard to boast your Arithmancy grade. But your other subjects are fine just keep up the good work" Professor McGonagall informed me.

I nodded my head in understanding and made a mental note to study more Arithmancy with Remus before exams. McGonagall asked if there was anything else I needed and I shook my head. She dismissed me and I went to the lake to met the others for lunch.

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