Red vs blue carolina x male reader

Start from the beginning

He runned at some big crates and smashed them far away with a single swipe.
Patrick : welll those aliens know how to make weapons.
Carolina : well then use it on some mercenary's and protecting doyle.

Close to doyle location

The group arrived on the place walking down a road looking for donald.
Carolina radio : general doyle we've dropped in your position pelican's are looking for a safe LZ, where are you ?
General doyle : i'm in a snowy area
Carolina : you gonna have to be a bit more specific sir.
General doyle : now is not a exactly a good time. 

He hangs up
Carolina : dammit !!! We need to find him.
(Y/n) : if i get high enough i can spot him with my sniper rifle and radio his location.
Carolina : do it

You nodded and runned of with Patrick watching your back. You two runned around until you spotted Felix walking out of view looking for something.
(Y/n) : felix !!
Patrick : mercenary's

He pointed at three men up ahead and they released a barrage of bullets but the two of you jumped behind a rock just firing back without aiming hoping to hit them but they were just missing each shot.
(Y/n) : i saw Felix and he could have doyle ! Give me cover i go after him.
Patrick : understood kick his ass (y/n)

He gave you a thumbs up and tossed a grenade for a distration and then you runned away while Patrick took on the mercenary's firing at them keeping all the attention to him.
Patrick thought : the best of luck (y/n)

With you

You runned after Felix praying you weren't to late or else your home would been blown of the map. You found Felix walking up to Doyle who stood infront of a cliff threathing Felix not to get closer.
(Y/n) : DOYLE RUN !!!

You fire a single round but thanks to your yelling Felix turned around and used his shield but Doyle sprinted away as fast as he could and was again lost.
Felix : okay im not sure who you are but im gonna kill you !!

He opended fire but you rolled left and kept moving while firing but he used his shield to block each shot until the last shot flew back and the gun was blown out of your hands. He chuckeld but once he lowered his shield you shot with magnum blowing his gun out of his hands and then he shielded himself again.

You walked closer firing to keep behind the shield but the last few meters you heard the click of a empty gun and felix tackled you pulling a knife out. You punched but he grabbed your arm and turned behind your back and then stabbed his knife in your back.

You screamed and fell on your stomach but he was't done yet and turned you on your back laying his knife against your troath drawing blood.
Felix : something to say ?
Patrick : TAKE THIS

He jumped up and used his shield that was shattered on impact by Patrick hammer but the shield still saved his life. all he was slammed away in a rock. He coughed and stood up giving Patrick the worst glare he could give him who stood protective infront of you wielding his gravity hammer.
Felix : well then im gonna kill al of you.
Tucker : not if we have something to say about it.

He turned and spotted Tucker with caboose donut and Lopez.
Tucker : your outnumbered so surrender.
Felix : no

He flipped them of and jumped of the cliff without any doubt.
Tucker : did he... Did he just kill himself ?

Felix came back in a chopper piloted by locus and give them again the finger.
Felix : im gonna be back and im gonna rip the sword out of either you or Doyle hands Tucker.

Locus flyed away with Felix leaving the blue's Patrick and you alone.
Patrick : where is grey we are in need for a doctor !?!
Caboose : i get her !!

Timeskip (sorry guys)

Kimball : well done guys you just saved us all.

You and Patrick where both standing in the briefing room after saving Doyle who stood proudly next to Kimball while they give you a reward for saving them all with the freelancers red and blue's watching.

Kimball : i wish i could give you two more but we're in war so i guess just tell me something you want and i take care of it.
Patrick : i want to keep the hammer and a warthog with my symbol painted.
Kimball : done
(Y/n) : i want that heat seeker scope for my sniper rifle.
Kimball : sure

The two of you saluted and walked out, leaving the others to talk.
(Y/n) : Patrick ?
Patrick : yeah ?
(Y/n) : look i need to ask you something.... Do you think Carolina like me ?
Patrick : no..... Im sure that she loves you, after she saw you she panicked and did't leave your side until grey was sure you were gonna make it. Look dude we may have the key but it doesn't mean were gonna survive you better tell her before its too late.

He walked off to the prison to talk to the mercenary to see if she would talk and tell them about the defences.

You waited outside until Carolina walked out and walked alone and then went to talk to her.
(Y/n) : Carolina wait up
She turned around smilling to see you behind her helmet.
Carolina : hey (y/n) whats up ?
(Y/n) : not much but... I wanna tell you something.
Carolina : really ? (Grows a bit nervous) what about ?
(Y/n) : look im just gonna cut to the chase (deep breath) i love you and i always did you're just amazing and so cool and i know we are at war but i hope before something could happen you will do something with me.
Carolina : (y/n) i-i love you too i did't think you like me back but now you told me . I loved you already since you picked us up and you just saw me as more as a soldier but as a person with respect no fear. I would like it to do something together.

You smiled and grabbed her by the waist pulling her closer while she took of her helmet and both of you kissed.
After 5 minutes you two parted and walked hand in hand together to the cafetaria but in the way you spotted Patrick flirting with the girl and she seemed not to mind.  

He saw the both of you hand in hand and gave you a smile happy for the both of you.

After the war

You and Carolina survived the war and killed the chairman ending the war. You two settle down as corust starting a family together having support from the red and blue and Patrick

After so much blood killing and destruction you finaly got what you wanted and you lived happely after (when Carolina was't mad and you had to rebuild the house)


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