Chapter 36

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The rest of the week went by quickly, probably because I was so busy with school and preparing for the next week. Justin didn't ignore me as much at school, but we were careful to make sure all rumors about us stopped. I was even confronted Thursday by a girl who I had never met about Justin. I shrugged her off saying he's just my neighbor and friend.

So much for vacation, I thought Friday afternoon once I got off the phone with Hannah confirming my plans for the next night. I probably wouldn't get a full night's sleep until school resumed.

"Emma, Justin's here!" Grandma called from the kitchen. I grabbed a jacket and my purse before rushing out of my room.

"Hey Justin," I gave him a quick hug before turning to grandma. "We'll be back around nine, love you!" I slipped on my jacket, before realizing it was Justin's from a few nights ago. I smiled as I caught a drift of his smell.

Justin followed me out the door, waiting until we were out of view from the house to slip his arm around my waist. "You look good in my clothes," he whispered into my hair. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I smell good too." I lifted the collar to my nose, closing my eyes while I inhaled his scent. Justin chuckled lowly while I fished for my keys in my purse. I pulled them out just in time to hop in the car.

The ride to my brother's dorm was short and full of chatter. Once there, I found a parking spot in the almost empty lot. Most people had gone home after their last class that day I guess. We both got up and walked to my brother's room. The door was open, so we didn't bother knocking. Instead I walk right into my brother's arms that waited open for me. "Hi Alex," I pulled back and smiled before introducing the boy I came with.

"This is Justin. He lives right around the corner." I told my brother.

"Oh, so you're the one who calls our grandma 'Nana'?" Alex had a hint of humor in his voice.

"Yeah," Justin laughed.

"Ready to go?" I asked before an awkward silence could set in.

"Sure," Alex grabbed his wallet from his desk and we headed down to the car.

I tossed my keys to Alex before climbing into the passenger's seat leaving Justin in the back on his own. Alex needed to do some driving every once in a while since he didn't have a car at school. We went to this little mom and pop shop where the food was delicious and the service was excellent.

I had told Alex that I hadn't exactly shared my reason for moving with Justin, so when he excused himself to go to the bathroom, Alex turned to me. "Why haven't you told Justin about mom and dad? You guys seem close."

"Yeah, it's just, I don't know," I confided in him.

"You need someone to talk to, and although I'm always here for you, I'm not that person." I very well couldn't tell him I talked to Michael on a daily basis, so instead I nodded and told him I would tell someone soon.

"Tell someone what?" Justin asked confused as he slid into the booth next to me.

"Nothing," I shook him off. Justin gave me a long look before letting it be, probably because the food arrived at that moment.

After dinner, we headed back to the dorms where we loaded my car full of Alex's things. On the way home, I took shotgun again.

"So what's the plan for this week?" Alex turned to face me as we sat at a stoplight.

"We leave for South Dakota in the morning." Of course he left all of the planning up to me. "We'll be back Tuesday," I figured I could tell him the rest later.

"Hey Emma," Justin leaned forwards. "Do you want to have a movie night Tuesday?"

"Sure I suppose," I shrugged it off like it meant nothing, but I was secretly looking forward to it.

"Of course, you're invited too Alex," Justin continued. My heart dropped a little bit. I thought it was going to be just Justin and I so I could snuggle into his chest. My cheeks flamed red at the idea and I was instantly thankful that it was dark out. "It will probably be in Nana's basement anyways," Justin finished.

"Yeah, I have nothing better to do," my brother glanced back at my boyfriend with a smile. I hoped they still got along after we revealed mine and Justin's relationship.

We all hopped out of the car in Grandma's driveway. Justin pulled me into a hug; hopefully it looked like a hug between friends. "Have a safe trip, and I'll see you Tuesday," he whispered into my hair before letting me go. Then he turned to my brother, "great to meet you Alex, see you when you get back". With a wave the two boys said goodbye and the older one and I walked towards the blue house.

"Hey Grandma," I said but was brushed to the side as she rushed to pull Alex in a hug. I laughed and when I was finally able to get a word in I excused myself, "well I'm beat, 'night".

I wandered to my room and got ready for bed before lying down and trying to fall asleep. I was almost in dreamland when there was a timid knock on the wooden door. When I didn't answer, the knocker cracked open the door and peeked around it. "Alex?" I whispered knowing Grandma was long asleep by now.

"Hey," he whispered back stepping in the room. "I-I," he looked down at the ground, "I couldn't sleep in that room." He pointed over his shoulder at the room across the hall.

"I know what you mean." It was the guest bedroom our parents used whenever we use to visit. I just felt like them.

"You think I can sleep in here for tonight?" For the first time in my life, Alex needed me.

"Alright," I stood up and began pulling out the trundle bed from beneath my own. Alex helped and finish setting up his bed and soon we were both laying on our own beds in the dark.

"You know when I told you to tell Justin, it doesn't have to be Justin. I know you guys are really close," we were both staring at the ceiling as my brother continued, "and it's hard to tell the people you're closest to when you're afraid it will change how they look at you, so just tell someone. Someone you can trust."

"Okay," I whispered into the night, someone coming to mind.

Full Copyright 2013

Author's Note:

I tried to edit this, but I just couldn't get through it, sorry. Guardian Angel reached 300 reads!!!!!! Thanks so much guys! I'm very very very slowly updating my other story Ignorance is Bliss which is a lot like this story, so check it out, but don't be mad when I only update every other week. Have a Happy Thanksgiving or Black Friday if you're more into that or for those overseas, have a great day!


OH! And I'm thinking of changing the title of this story to One Way Bridge, what do you think? Comment your opinion!

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