Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

After finishing my homework that night, I took a moment to look out my window at Justin's. Through his curtains, I could see the blue flash of the television. I wished I had taken him up on his offer, but I still had to call everyone.

About an hour and a half later, after texting, calling, and even video chatting, everything was decided. Friday, Alex and I would go to dinner in the city before coming back to grandma's for the night. Then, the next morning we would leave early for South Dakota. We would come back Tuesday and then go to Jenny's the next day. I didn't think I would get nearly enough sleep, but I didn't mind if it meant I got to spend Thanksgiving with the people I love.

I went to bed that night, thinking about the busy week I had planned, but I had to survive the one ahead first.

"Oh my God!" Ally ran up to us as Justin and I climbed out of my car. "How could you not tell us?" She hit Justin on the arm.

"Ow," he exclaimed grabbing his arm. "That actually hurt!" I stifled a laugh next to him.

"Sorry," Vince said us as he caught up to us. He didn't even try to flirt with me, so maybe he was a bit sorry. Charlotte popped up next to Ally and together they talked Justin's ear off as they pulled him along towards the school. Vince waited for me as I locked my car and we walked in together. "He may be my best friend, but I'll kill him if he hurts my baby girl."

I laughed at Vince's offer brushing over the name he used, "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." We walked quietly following our friends' footsteps. "What do you think they're telling him?"

"Probably telling him all the things I did wrong, so he won't make the same mistakes. You are his first girlfriend." The word caught me.

Is Justin my boyfriend? I kept the thought to myself. I had never had a boyfriend. My first kiss was last year when I was a party and was forced to play spin the bottle. It wasn't how I would've expected my first kiss to be, but I don't think anyone's is really that great. Mine was with this guy I didn't really care for and it was really...slobbery. My kiss with Justin was definitely a million times better. I smiled until a thought crossed my mind. Was I Justin's first kiss? Was it as bad for him as my first kiss was for me? I froze in my tracks.

Vince had to guide me through the door he opened for me. "Everything alright Emma?"

"Vince, do you know if Justin has had his first kiss?" I leaned towards him keeping my voice low.

"Have you two not-" he stopped midsentence as I tried to understand what he had told, or almost told me. I shook my head, not really in reply to his unfinished question, but more for my own benefit and attempt to stop my thoughts. The warning bell rang as I tried unsuccessfully to arrange my thoughts. "Come on," Vince grabbed my arm. "Justin will kill me if I make you late for class." He dragged me to first hour and practically threw me through the door as the bell rang. I walked slightly dazed to my seat, not noticing the stares that must have been from the slightly true rumors that had been spreading.

By lunch, I started to notice the stares. Things go through this school like a wildfire, and I'm sure being the new girl only helped the speed. I hadn't seen Justin all morning until he took a seat across from me at the table. I was a bit shocked that he didn't take the seat next to me that was soon occupied by Vince. Justin and I each gave each other a forced smile, that didn't exactly help calm the worries that had kept me preoccupied all morning. Only Vince seemed to notice the tension between us.

Mr. Bradfield made us do a group project with assigned partners, so I didn't get a chance to talk to Justin, and in gym we were back to basketball teams. Just as well, had we talked at school, the entire town would know what we said by the time we made it to my car at the end of the day.

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